The Clash of the Cultures : Investment vs. Speculation.

John C. Bogle
Bok Engelsk 2012 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (382 pages)
1st ed.
Intro -- The Clash of the Cultures: Investment vs. Speculation -- Contents -- Foreword -- Acknowledgments -- About This Book -- Value-Creating" and "Rent-Seeking -- A 60-Year Perspective -- The Big Picture -- Mutual Funds -- The Index Fund -- Our Retirement System: Potential Train Wreck -- Wellington Fund -- The Man in the Arena -- Some Investment Guidance -- Chapter 1: The Clash of the Cultures -- The Rise of Speculation -- High-Frequency Trading -- Mission Aborted -- Futures and Derivatives -- The Wall Street Casino -- How Speculation Overwhelmed Investment -- The Decline in Unit Transaction Costs -- Hedge Fund Managers and Other Speculators -- We Can't Say We Weren't Warned -- The Wisdom of John Maynard Keynes -- Speculation Will Crowd Out Investment -- Fixing the Social Contract -- Compensation Issues -- Creating Value versus Subtracting Value -- Restoring Balance in Our Investment Sector -- Tax Policies and Financial Transactions -- Develop Limits on Leverage, Transparency for Derivatives, and Stricter Punishments for Financial Crimes -- The Rules of the Game -- The Goal: Stewardship Capitalism -- Chapter 2: The Double-Agency Society and the Happy Conspiracy -- The Development of the Double-Agency Society -- Examining the Conflict -- Agency Costs and Managerial Behavior -- The Ownership Revolution -- Changing Leadership -- Renters and Owners -- The Creation of Corporate Value -- Time Horizons and the Sources of Investment Return -- Short-Termism" and Managed Earnings -- The Failure of the Gatekeepers -- 1. Congress -- 2. The Judiciary -- 3. The Securities and Exchange Commission -- 4. The Federal Reserve Board -- 5. The Rating Agencies -- 6. Public Accountants -- 7. The Financial Press -- 8. Security Analysts -- 9. The Directors -- 10. Stock Owners -- Conclusion.. - Appendix VI: Wellington Fund Performance versus Average Balanced Fund, 1929-2012 -- Appendix VII: Wellington Fund Expense Ratios, 1966-2011 -- Index.. - Chapter 3: The Silence of the Funds: Why Mutual Funds Must Speak Out on the Governance of Our Nation's Corporations -- Why Mutual Funds Are Passive Participants in Corporate Governance -- The Picture Begins to Change -- Reporting Proxy Votes -- Mobilizing Institutional Investors -- The Rights and Responsibilities of Ownership -- Acting Like Owners -- The Proof of the Pudding -- Executive Compensation -- How Did It Happen? -- The Ratchet Effect -- What's to Be Done? -- Consider the Cost of Capital -- Slight Progress on Reform -- Corporate Political Contributions -- The Procedures of Corporate Democracy -- Chapter 4: The "Mutual" Fund Culture-Stewardship Gives Way to Salesmanship -- An Industry Changes -- The Stunning Growth in Mutual Fund Assets -- The Sea Change in Investment Operations -- The Rise of "Product Proliferation -- Born to Die -- Costs and Performance -- Fund Costs Soar -- Costs and Returns -- The Cost of Unfortunate Investor Choices -- The Good Old Days -- The Conglomeratization of the Mutual Fund Industry -- The Conglomerates Dominate the Fund Industry -- Trafficking" in Management Contracts -- Corporate Structure and Fund Performance -- Likelihood of Change -- Fund Organization Structure-It Makes a Difference -- Strategy Follows Structure -- Vanguard's Structure and Strategy -- Building a Fiduciary Society -- This Is a Fiduciary Business -- Chapter 5: Are Fund Managers True Fiduciaries?: The "Stewardship Quotient -- Enter Attorney General Spitzer -- Where Should Fund Investors Turn? -- A Challenge to Judgment -- The Stewardship Quotient -- Standard 1: Management Fees and Operating Expense Ratios -- Standard 2: Portfolio Turnover -- Standard 3: Equity Diversification -- Standard 4: Marketing Orientation -- Standard 5: Advertising -- Standard 6: Shelf Space -- Standard 7: Sales Loads -- Standard 8: Shareholder Stability.. - Introduction -- Part I -- Walter Morgan: Wellington's Founding Genius1 -- What's in a Name? -- Part II -- O Pioneers! -- Massachusetts Investors Trust (MIT) -- State Street Investment Trust -- Incorporated Investors -- Scudder Stevens &amp -- Clark Balanced Fund -- Century Shares Trust -- Pioneer Fund -- What Explains the Wellington Advantage? -- Steady Long-Term Growth, Once Interrupted -- Part III -- Wellington Fund Strategy and Returns 1929-2012 -- Risk and Return -- The Rise: Solid Returns, Later Eroding (1929-1966) -- The Fall: Wellington Fund's Nadir (1967-1978) -- The Renaissance (1978-2012) -- Back to Basics -- Wellington Management Does the Job -- Asset Growth Rebounds -- Part IV -- Strategy + Implementation - Costs = Superior Returns -- Chapter 9: Ten Simple Rules for Investors and a Warning for Speculators -- Summing Up -- Buy Broad Market Index Funds -- Wellington Fund and the Index Fund -- Reversion to the Mean (RTM) is a Virtual Certainty -- Nothing Is Forever: Eight Sobering Examples of Reversion to the Mean -- Ten Simple Rules for Investment Success -- Rule 1: Remember Reversion to the Mean -- Rule 2: Time Is Your Friend, Impulse Is Your Enemy -- Rule 3: Buy Right and Hold Tight -- Rule 4: Have Realistic Expectations: The Bagel and the Doughnut -- Rule 5: Forget the Needle. Buy the Haystack -- Rule 6: Minimize the Croupier's Take -- Rule 7: There's No Escaping Risk -- Rule 8: Beware of Fighting the Last War -- Rule 9: The Hedgehog Bests the Fox -- Rule 10: Stay the Course! -- Appendix I: Performance Ranking of Major Mutual Fund Managers-March 2012 -- Appendix II: Annual Performance of Common Stock Funds versus S&amp -- P 500, 1945-1975 -- Appendix III: Growth in Index Funds-Number and Assets, 1976-2012 -- Appendix IV: Wellington Fund Record, 1929-2012 -- Appendix V: Wellington Fund Equity Ratio and Risk Exposure (Beta), 1929-2012.. - Standard 9: Limitations on Fund Size -- Standard 10: Experience and Stability of Portfolio Managers -- Standard 11: Insider Ownership -- Standard 12: Organization of Manager -- Standard 13: Composition of Boards -- Standard 14: Board Leadership -- Standard 15: Regulatory Issues -- Is the Fox in the Henhouse? -- Chapter 6: The Index Fund: The Rise of the Fortress of Long-Term Investing and Its Challenge from Short-Term Speculation -- Part I -- A Brief History of the First Index Mutual Fund: The Paradigm of Long-Term Investment -- The Professor, the Student, and the Index Fund -- The Triumph of Indexing -- Part II -- The Invasion of the ETF -- A Brief History of the ETF -- The Un-Proof of the Pudding -- ETFs: An Independent (and Intelligent) Appraisal -- The Future of Index Funds -- Chapter 7: America's Retirement System: Too Much Speculation, Too Little Investment -- An Introductory Note -- The Inadequacy of Our National Savings -- The Seven Deadly Sins -- Deadly Sin 1: Inadequate Retirement Accumulation -- Deadly Sin 2: The Stock Market Collapse -- Deadly Sin 3: Underfunded Pensions -- Deadly Sin 4: Speculative Investment Options -- Deadly Sin 5: Wealth-Destroying Costs -- Deadly Sin 6: Speculation in the Financial System -- Deadly Sin 7: Conflicts of Interest -- Extracting Value from Society -- Our Retirement System Today -- Focusing on 401(k) Retirement Plans -- A Deeply Flawed System -- The New Pension Plan -- What's to Be Done? -- Simplify the DC System -- Get Real about Stock Market Return and Risk -- Reduce Participant Flexibility -- Own the Stock Market -- Balance Risk and Return through Asset Allocation -- Focus on Mutuality, Investment Risk, and Longevity Risk -- What Would an Ideal Retirement Plan System Look Like? -- Chapter 8: The Rise, the Fall, and the Renaissance of Wellington Fund: A Case Study-Investment Wins, Speculation Loses.. - Recommended Reading by Warren Buffet in his March 2013 Letter to Shareholders How speculation has come to dominate investment-a hard-hitting look from the creator of the first index fund. Over the course of his sixty-year career in the mutual fund industry, Vanguard Group founder John C. Bogle has witnessed a massive shift in the culture of the financial sector. The prudent, value-adding culture of long-term investment has been crowded out by an aggressive, value-destroying culture of short-term speculation. Mr. Bogle has not been merely an eye-witness to these changes, but one of the financial sector's most active participants. In The Clash of the Cultures, he urges a return to the common sense principles of long-term investing. Provocative and refreshingly candid, this book discusses Mr. Bogle's views on the changing culture in the mutual fund industry, how speculation has invaded our national retirement system, the failure of our institutional money managers to effectively participate in corporate governance, and the need for a federal standard of fiduciary duty. Mr. Bogle recounts the history of the index mutual fund, how he created it, and how exchange-traded index funds have altered its original concept of long-term investing. He also presents a first-hand history of Wellington Fund, a real-world case study on the success of investment and the failure of speculation. The book concludes with ten simple rules that will help investors meet their financial goals. Here, he presents a common sense strategy that "may not be the best strategy ever devised. But the number of strategies that are worse is infinite." The Clash of the Cultures: Investment vs. Speculation completes the trilogy of best-selling books, beginning with Bogle on Investing: The First 50 Years (2001) and Don't Count on It! (2011).

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