Probing power and spaces within online interviews : LGBTQ+ teachers and being in- and excluded in schools /

Anna Llewellyn.
Bok Engelsk 2022
1 online resource.
Interviews are one of the most common research methods used by students and academics. However, they can be criticized or misunderstood. In this research project, 50 online semi-structured interviews were conducted in the summer of 2020 with participants from around the UK. The project explored LGBTQ+ teachers and their experiences of being in and excluded within their present and past schools. While UK people are protected by law in terms of sexuality and gender, schools have notoriously been sites of exclusion for LGBTQ+ people. However, in potentially landmark changes, UK schools are currently adding LGBT to various parts of the curriculum. Thus, there was a timeliness to this research project. The choice of an interview method was to ensure the voice of a marginalized group was represented and to seek "complex" data about a subjective concept. The COVID-19 pandemic meant interviewing options were constrained, and hence, interviews were online and synchronous using videoconferencing software. However, this gave an opportunity to reflect on the interview situation and process, particularly in relation to hard-to-reach communities such as LGBTQ+ people. These included practical considerations around access and recruitment as well as more critical questions, for instance, how do you ensure you create an empathetic environment online? Furthermore, does the online interview alter the power relations present within the asymmetrical interview? These are arguably vitally important considerations when conducting research with marginalized communities.
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