Game sutra : rescuing game theory from the game theorists /

Rohit Prasad.
Bok Engelsk 2019
1 online resource (281 pages) : : illustrations
1st edition.
Game theory deconstructed -- Common knowledge and counter-strikes -- How rational are you? -- Does Donald Trump deserve the Nobel Peace Prize? -- The centre of gravity: the Nash equilibrium -- Searching for an equilibrium in the India-China game -- War and peace in the heartlands of Maoism -- Is it silly season in Indian telecom -- Designing legal liability rules to fix Delhi's winter woes -- Games businesses play -- The Airtel-Jio battle and the limitations of game theory -- Battles of the Bitcoin -- The collective action problem of assurance -- The hapless fate of an alleged spy -- Telecom on the rocks with a twist of chicken -- The NDA, the UPA, and two types of chicken -- The tragedy of the planet's environmental wealth -- The water of our discontent -- Sequential games and rollback equilibrium -- Reliance Jio's second-mover advantage -- The 2016 US elections: the game of ideologies -- The absolutism of demonetization -- Risks posed by the insolvency and bankruptcy code -- Every democracy needs a little disloyalty -- The fine art of making threats -- Will threats work against Pakistan? -- The RBI and the flip flop finance ministry -- Law and order in a time of lynch mobs -- How to play hardball and get away with it -- North Korea is not really Cuba -- Exaggeration in Brinkmanship os a double-edged sword -- Pseudo-Brinkmanship and the sacrament of marriage -- The twist in the tale of Bihar's political chameleon -- Hell hath no fury like a party scored -- Navigating the fog of war -- The inscrutable silence of a star yogi -- The pure politics of the mercurial mayawati -- Rahul Gandi and the beer-'Dhokla' game -- Are our kids really smarter than we were? -- Giving up control to achieve unpredictability -- When being paranoid is ok -- The perfect unpredictability of Roger Federer -- How to buy cricketers and coal blocks -- What the IPL can learn from Telecom -- The giddy tournaments of capitalism -- Re-designing the insolvency auction to optimize value -- The auction that runs the internet -- AD auctions: a market for horses -- The Gale-Shapley algorithm and future job markets -- Cooperative game theory and the core -- The Babylonian Talmud and India's insolvency and bankruptcy code -- The shapley value and legislative power -- Judicial primacy is not the same as exclusivity -- Trump's Paris agreement pull-out: masterstroke or farce? -- The chaotic consensus on goods and services tax -- The third front in the 2019 election -- The game that worked in Goa -- The perils of plurality in India -- Rescuing game theory from the game theorists.. - The telecom war between Reliance Jio and Airtel was only a preamble to the impending battle between Google and Jio. Nitish Kumar broke the mahagathbandhan while seeming to try to bend RJD to his will. All the schmoozing between Trump and Xi hasn't reduced the North Korean nuclear threat. Could we have predicted these outcomes before they actually happened?  Yes we could have-not with IQ or EQ, but with 'Game Theoretic Quotient'. A new intelligence, a new way of looking at the world. Game Sutra highlights the underlying strategic considerations of entities as diverse as heads of state, bitcoin miners and CEOs of internet companies to explain their decisive choices. Immerse yourself in its heady mix of cogent fact and smart analysis to develop your 'game theoretic quotient'. Your world will never be the same again.
93-5328-573-9. - 93-5328-574-7. - 93-5388-569-8

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