Cultural Diversity Management in Organizations : The Role of Psychological Variables in Diversity Initiatives.

Alena. Romanenko
Bok Engelsk 2012 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (120 pages)
1st ed.
Cultural Diversity Management in Organizations: The Role of Psychological Variables in Diversity Initiatives -- ACKNOWLEDGMENT -- ABSTRACT -- Abstract (Deutsch) -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- 1 INTRODUCTION -- 1.1 Aim of the Study and Research Questions -- 1.2 Methodology -- 2 MANAGEMENT OF CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN ORGANIZATIONS -- 2.1 Definitions and Theory: Cultural Diversity Management in the Workplace -- 2.1.1 The Concept of Organizational Diversity -- 2.1.2 Workplace and Employee Diversity Management -- 2.1.3 Cultural Diversity and its Management -- 2.1.4 Measurement of Cultural Diversity -- 2.1.5 Issues of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture -- 2.2 Inevitability of Diversity in the HR World -- 2.2.1 Target Group Companies for Diversity Management -- 2.2.2 Current Cultural Diversity Popularity Trends -- 2.2.3 The Role of HR - Allocation of Cultural Diversity Management -- 2.3 Business Case: Diversity as the Right Thing to Do -- 2.4 Diversity Outcomes - What Could Companies Expect? -- 2.4.1 Organization-Level Outcomes -- 2.4.2 Group-Level Outcomes -- 2.4.3 Individual-Level Outcomes - Importance of Psychological Variables -- 2.5 Chapter Summary -- 3 PSYCHOLOGICAL MECHANISMS AND OUTCOMES OF DIVERSITY INITIATIVES -- 3.1 Explanatory Approaches of Diversity Outcomes -- 3.1.1 Social Identity Approach -- 3.1.2 Information-Processing and Problem-Solving Approaches -- 3.1.3 Intergroup Contact Theory -- 3.1.4 Ironic Processes Theory -- 3.1.5 Inference: Applying Theoretical Approaches in Diversity Initiatives -- 3.2 Attitudes and Attitudes towards Diversity -- 3.2.1 Theory, Practice, and Operationalization of Attitudinal Research -- 3.2.2 Achieving Attitudinal Change in Organizations -- 3.2.3 Inference: Applying Attitudes Towards Diversity in Diversity Initiatives -- 3.3 Commitment -- 3.3.1 Theory, Practice, and Operationalization of Commitment Research.. - 3.3.2 Consequences of Organizational Commitment -- 3.3.3 Strategic Human Resource Management: Commitment Paradigm -- 3.3.4 Inference: Applying Organizational Commitment in Diversity Initiatives -- 3.4 Chapter Summary -- 4 CULTURAL DIVERSITY INITIATIVES AND TRAININGS -- 4.1 Successful Diversity Management Implementation -- 4.1.1 Introduction of Cultural Diversity Initiatives -- 4.1.2 Alignment of Diversity Management Strategies and HR Practices -- 4.1.3 Best Practices of Diversity Management Strategies and Practices -- 4.2 Cultural Diversity Trainings in Organizations -- 4.3 Training Goals -- 4.3.1 Eliminating Stereotype, Prejudice, and Discrimination -- 4.3.2 Raising Cultural Competence -- 4.4 Diversity Training Inputs: Context, Design, Trainee Characteristics -- 4.4.1 Training Context -- 4.4.2 Training Design -- 4.4.3 Training Methods -- 4.4.4 Trainee/Trainer's Characteristics -- 4.5 Diversity Trainings: Outcomes regarding Psychological Variables -- 4.5.1 Cognitive Outcomes -- 4.5.2 Affective/Attitudinal Outcomes -- 4.5.3 Behavioural (Skill-based) Outcomes -- 4.6 Effectiveness of Diversity Trainings -- 4.7 Critical Reflections on Cultural Diversity Trainings: Problems and Solutions -- 4.8 Chapter Summary -- 5 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS -- 5.1 Chapter "Management of Cultural Diversity in Organizations" -- 5.2 Chapter "Psychological Mechanisms and Outcomes of DiversityInitiatives" -- 5.3 Chapter "Cultural Diversity Initiatives and Trainings" -- 6 LIST OF REFERENCES -- 7 LIST OF FIGURES -- 8 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS -- About the Author:.. - Changes in the demographic structure of the modern workforce and strategies for increasingly globalized business are resulting in a multitude of questions about cultural diversity and its management within organizations. "Cultural Diversity Management in Organizations" focuses on the status quo of empirical and theoretical research within the demesne of cultural diversity management, providing a topical insight into research in that field, describing the consequences of Diversity for organizations and the psychological variables targeted in cultural diversity management initiatives, and highlighting the possibility of influencing individual-level psychological variables to produce beneficial organizational outcomes.   Biographische Informationen Alena Romanenko was born in 1985 in Minsk (Belarus). After graduating from a linguistic gymnasium at the top of her class with a major in humanities, she spent 6 semesters on a performance scholarship at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences at the Belarusian State University in Minsk (Belarus), where she majored in social psychology and carried out two annual projects on cross-cultural communication. Pursuing her research interests, which lay at the intersection of psychology and intercultural communication, she went on to continue her degree at the University of Vienna faculty of Psychology (Austria), where she majored in business and organisational psychology, establishing a research focus within the area of Cultural Diversity Management in Organizations with special emphasis on the importance of psychological variables in organizational contexts. During the course of her studies, Alena completed her internship at the international market research institute YouGovPsychonomics AG in Vienna, and went on to take the project assistant role at vieconsult GmbH, the company which specializes in. - international organizational consulting. This helped to extend her competence in organizational research and provided invaluable insights into the world of human resource management. Alena graduated from the University of Vienna with a Master's degree, passing the final examinations with honours.

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