New perspectives on the Caledonides of Scandinavia and related areas

edited by F. Corfu, University of Oslo, Norway, D. Gasser, Geological Survey of Norway, Norway, and D. M. Chew, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
Bok Engelsk
New perspectives on the Caledonides of Scandinavia and related areas: introduction / F. Corfu, D. Gasser and D.M. Chew -- The Scandinavian Caledonides: main features, conceptual advances and critical questions / F. Corfu, T.B. Andersen and D. Gasser -- The Laurentian Caledonides of Scotland and Ireland / D.M. Chew and R.A. Strachan -- The Caldeonides of Greenland, Svalard and other Arctic areas: status of research and open questions / D. Gasser -- The Baltoscandian margin detrital zircon signatures of the central Scandes / D.G. Gee, A. Ladenberger, P. Dahlqvist, J. Majka, Y. Be̕eri-Shlevin, D. Frei and T. Thomsen -- A timanian foreland basin setting for the Neoproterozoic-Early Palaeozoic cover sequences (Dividal Group of northeastern Baltica) / A. Andresen, N.Y. Agyei-Dwarko, M. Kristoffersen and H.-M. Hanken -- Geochemical evolution of Caledonian volcanism recorded in the sedimentary rocks of the eastern Baltic region / T. Kiipkli, A. Soesoo and T. Kallaste -- Caledonian nappes of southern Norway and their correlation with Sveconorwegian basement domains / C. Roffeis and F. Corfu -- Geology and U-Pb geochronology of the Espedalen Complex, southern Norway, and its position in the Caledonian nappe systems / F. Corfu and M. Heim -- A major synmetamorphic Early Devonian thrust and extensional fault system in the Mid Norway Caledonides: relevance to exhumation of HP and UHP rocks / P. Robinson, D. Roberts, D.G. Gee and A. Solli -- Restoration of the external Caledonides, Finnmark, North Norway / A.H.N. Rice -- 3D interpretation by integrating seismic and potential field data in the vicinity of the proposed COSC-1 drill site, central Swedish Caledonides / P. Hedin, A. Malehmir, D.G. Gee, C. Juhlin and D. Dyrelius -- Pressure-temperature evolution of a kyanite-garnet pelitic gneiss from Åreskustan: evidence of ultra-high-pressure metamorphism of the Seve Nappe Complex, west-central Jämtland, Swedish Caledonides / I. KlonoWska, J. Majka, M. Janák, D.G. Gee and A. Ladenberger -- Tectonometamorphic evolution of the Åreskutan Nappe - Caledonian history revealed by SIMS U-Pb zircon geochronology / A. Ladenberger, Y. Be̕eri-Shleven, S. Claesson, D.G. Gee, J. Majka and I.V. Romanova -- Pressure-temperature estimates on the Tjeliken ecologite: new insights into the (ultra)-high-pressure evolution of the Seve Nappe Complex in the Scandinavian Caledonides / J. Majka, M. Janák, B. Andersson, I. Klonowska, D.G. Gee, Å. Rosén and K. Kośmińska -- Calculated phase equilibria for phengite-bearing eclogites from NW Spitsbergen, Svalbard Caledonides / S. Elvevold, E.J.K. Ravna, P. Nasipuri and L. Labrousse -- Metamorphic zircon formation at the transition from gabbro to eclogite in Trollheimen-Surnadalen, Norwegian Caledonides / V. Beckman, C. Möller, U. Söderlund, F. Corfu, J. Pallon and K.R. Chamberlain -- Localized granulite and eclogite facies metamorphism at Flatraket and Kråkeneset, Western Gneiss Region: U-Pb daa and tectonic implications / Corfu, H. Austrheim and A.-C. Ganzhorn -- Retrogression of eclogite-facies shear zones by short-lived fluid infiltration during the Caledonian orogeny, Lofoten Islands, Norway / H.W. Fournier, J.K. Lee, A. Camacho and R.A. Creaser -- A kinematic model for the Grampian Orogeny, Scotland / P.W.G. Tanner -- Ordovician to Silurian magmatism on the Utsira High, North Sea: implications for correlations between the onshore and offshore Caledonides / A.M. Lundmark, T.Sæther and R. Sørlie -- Evolution and origin of the Revsegg Nappe in the SW-Norwegian Caledonides: an allochthon with Ordovician elements / C. Roffeis and F. Corfu -- Techonomagmatic evolution of the Early Ordovician suprasubduction-zone ophiolites of the Trondheim Region, Mid-Norwegian Caledonides / T. Slagstad, C. Pin, D. Roberts, C.L. Kirkland, T. Grenne, G. Dunning, S. Sauer and T. Andersen -- Metamorphic constraints on the Caledonian Upper Allochthon of Central Norway: the Gula Complex staurolite-garnet-kyanite mica schist / A.K. Engvik, T. Grenne, O.J. Lutro and G.B. Meyer -- Tectonic reconstruction and sediment provenance of a far-travelled oceanic nappe, Helgeland Nappe Complex, west-central Norway / K.L. McArthur, C.D. Frost, C.G. Barnes, T. Prestvik and Ø. Nordgulen -- Geology, geochemistry and emplacement conditions of the Vega intrusive complex: an example of large-scale crustal anatexis in north-central Norway / W.T. Marko, C.G. Barnes, A.S. Yoshinobu, C.D. Frost and Ø. Nordgulen -- The Bratten-Landegode gneiss complex: a fragment of Laurentian continental crust in the Uppermost Allochthon of the Scandinavian Caledonides / L.E. Augland, A. Andresen, F. Corfu, N.Y. Agyei-Dwarko and A.N. Larionov -- Early Ordovician to Silurian evolution of exotic terranes in the Scandinavian Caledonides of the Ofoten-Troms area - terrane characterization and correlation based on new U-Pb zircon ages and Lu-Hf isotopic data / L.E. Augland, A. Andresen, D. Gasser, and M.G. Steltenpohl -- From orogen to passive margin: contraints from fission track and (U-Th)/He analyses on Mesozoic uplift and fault reactivation in SW Norway / A.K. Ksienzyk, I. Dunkl, J. Jacobs, H. Fossen and F. Kohlmann.. - The Caledonides are a major orogenic belt that stretches from the Arctic, through Scandinavia, East Greenland, Britain and Ireland into the Atlantic coast of North America. Following the break-up of Rodinia, the Caledonides formed in the Palaeozoic by the drifting of various continents and their eventual aggregation in the Silurian and Devonian. The orogen subsequently fragmented during the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. This volume brings together 25 papers presenting the results of modern research that investigates the orogenic processes and the provenance of specific components of the belt. The contributions reflect different lines of research, linking traditional field studies with modern analytical techniques. In addition three overview papers summarize the main features of the belts in Scandinavia, Svalbard, East Greenland, Britain and Ireland, highlighting the advances made since the last major synthesis of the Scandinavian Caledonides 30 years ago, and discussing important open questions.
Geografisk emneord
Scandinavia. : (OCoLC)fst01242804

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