Advances in ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar dating : from archaeology to planetary sciences /

edited by F. Jourdan, Curtin University, Australia, D.F. Mark, Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre, UK, and C. Verati, University of Nice, France.
Bok Engelsk
Annen tittel
Advances in ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar dating: from archaeology to planetary sciences - introduction / F. Jourdan, D.F. Mark and C. Vertai -- Perspectives on ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar dating / I. McDougall -- Some footnotes to the optimization-based calibration of the ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar system / P.R. Renne -- Neutron-induced ³⁷Ar recoil ejection in Ca-rich minerals and implications for ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar dating / F. Jourdan and P.R. Renne -- Direct measurement of recoil effects on ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar standards / C.M. Hall -- FCs-EK: a new sampling of the Fish Canyon Tuff ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar neutron flux monitor / L.E. Morgan -- Petrology and geochronology of 'muscovite age standard' B4M / A.R. Heri, M. Robyr and I.M. Villa -- Argon extraction from geological samples by CO₂ scanning laser step-heating / D.N. Barfod, D.F. Mark, A. Tarr, R.C. Dymock and J. Imlach -- The multi-diffusion domain model: past, present and future / T.M. Harrison and O.M. Lovera -- Diffusion of AR in K-feldspar: present and absent / I.M. Villa -- ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar dating geochronology and the diffusion if ³₉Ar in phengite-muscovite intergrowths during step-heating experiments in vacuo / M.A. Forster and G.S. Lister -- Ar diffusion and solubility measurements in plagioclases using the ultra-violet laser depth-profiling technique / J.-A. Wartho, S.P. Kelley and S.C. Elphick -- Modelling effect of sericitization of plagioclase on the ⁴⁰K/⁴⁰Ar and ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar chronometers: implication for dating basaltic rocks and mineral deposits / C. Verati and F. Jourdan -- The other isotopes: research avenues based on ³⁶Ar, ³⁷Ar and ³⁸Ar / G. Turner and R. Burgess -- ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar dating thermochronology on Central China orogen: cooling, uplift and implications for orogeny dynamics / F. Wang, R. Zhu, Q. Hou, D. Zheng, L. Yang, L. Wu, W. Shi, H. Feng, H. Sang, H. Zhang and Q. Liu -- ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar ages of crystallization and recrystallization of rock-forming polyhalite in Alpine rocksalt deposits / C. Leitner, F. Neubauer, J. Genser, S. Borojević-Šoštarić and G. Rantitsch -- Persistent long-term (c. 24 Ma) exhumation in the Eastern Alaska Range constrained by stacked thermochronology / J.A. Benowitz, P.W. Layer and S. Vanlaningham -- ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar hornblende provenance clues a out Heinrich event 3 (3) / G.E.Downing, S.R. Hemming, A. Jost and M. Roy -- Observation of centimetre-scale argon diffusion in alkali feldspars: implications for ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar thermochronology / S. Flude, A.M. Halton, S.P. Kelley, S.C. Sherlock, J. Schwanethal and C.M. Wilkinson -- ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar age constraints on the Haifanggou and Lanqi formations: when did the first flowers bloom? / S.-C. Chang, H. Zhang, S.R. Hemming, G.T. Mesko and Y. Fang -- Timing of geothermal activity in an active island-arc volcanic setting: first ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar dating from Bouillante geothermal field (Guadeloupe, French West Indies) / C. Verati, P. Patrier-Mas, J.M. Lardeaux and V. Bouchot -- Issues in dating young rocks from another planet: martian shergottites / J. Park, D.D. Bogard, L.E. Nyquist and G.F. Herzog -- A laser probe ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar investigation of poikilitic shergottite NWA 4797: implications for the timing of shock metamorphism / E.L. Walton, S. Kelley, C.D.K. Herd and A.J.A. Irving -- ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar ages of impacts involving ordinary chondrite meteorites / T.D. Swindle, D.A. Kring and J.R. Weirich -- A high-precision ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar age for hydrated impact glass from the Dellen impact, Sweden / D.F. Mark, P. Lingren and A.E. Fallick,. - Decoding the complete history of Earth and our solar system requires the placing of the scattered pages of Earth history in a precise chronological order, and the ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar dating technique is one of the most trusted dating techniques to do that. The ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar method has been in use for more than 40 years, and has constantly evolved since then. The steady improvement of the technique is largely due to a better understanding of the K/Ar system, an appreciation of the subtleties of geological material and a continuous refinement of the analytical tools used for isotope extraction and counting. The ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar method is also one of the most versatile techniques with countless applications in archaeology, tectonics, structural geology, orogenic processes and provenance studies, ore and petroleum genesis, volcanology, weathering processes and climate, and planetary geology. This volume is the first of its kind and covers methodological developments, modelling, data handling, and direct applications of the ⁴⁰Ar/³₉Ar technique.--

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