Hermeneutics : an introduction to interpretive theory

Stanley E. Porter & Jason C. Robinson
Tale på CD Engelsk 2015

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Robinson, Jason C. (medforfatter)
Johanneshov : MTM , 2015
14 t. 15 min.
Talesyntese. - Fra forlagets omtale: In this concentrated, intelligible, and useful introductory volume Stanley Porter and Jason Robinson give a splendid overview of hermeneutical and interpretive thought. Neither an all-inclusive survey that moves too quickly over the surface of complex issues nor a specialized volume on a single, narrow topic, Porter and Robinson's Hermeneutics provides critical analysis of major movements and figures in hermeneutics and interpretive theory in the modern era - from Schleiermacher and Heidegger to Thiselton and Culpepper - showing especially how these interpreters and their movements have impacted biblical and theological study.

Andre utgaver/formater

Hermeneutics : an introduction to interpretive theory
Stanley E.. Porter
Stanley E. Porter & Jason C. Robinson

Bok · Engelsk · 2011

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