The Stalingrad trilogy. : Soviet-German combat operations, April-August 1942. 1. To the gates of Stalingrad /

David M. Glantz ; with Jonathan M. House.
Bok Engelsk 2009
Annen tittel
xix, 655 p. : ill., maps, plans
Prologue: Along the Sukhaia Vereika River, 23 July 1942 -- The Wehrmacht -- The Red Army -- Preliminaries, April-June 1942 -- Punch and counterpunch, Blau I, 28 June-12 July 1942 -- Blau II, 9-24 July 1942 -- The German advance into the Great Bend of the Don, 23-31 July 1942 -- Endgame in the Great Bend of the Don, 1-19 August 1942 -- The German advance to the Volga River, 20 August-2 September 1942 -- The struggle on the flanks, 25 July-11 September 1942 -- Conclusions: German strategic misconceptions.
0700616306. - 9780700616305

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