Deterrence in the age of thinking machines

Yuna Huh Wong and [8 others].
Bok Engelsk 2020
Santa Monica, Calif. : RAND Corporation , 2020
Introduction -- Key Deterrence Concepts -- Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems -- Potential Futures in a World of Proliferated Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems -- A Wargame of Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems -- Wargame Insights and Debates -- Implications for Deterrence -- Implications for Decisionmaking -- Conclusion and Areas for Further Research -- Appendix: General Morphological Analysis.. - The greater use of artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous systems by the militaries of the world has the potential to affect deterrence strategies and escalation dynamics in crises and conflicts. Up until now, deterrence has involved humans trying to dissuade other humans from taking particular courses of action. What happens when the thinking and decision processes involved are no longer purely human? How might dynamics change when decisions and actions can be taken at machine speeds? How might AI and autonomy affect the ways that countries have developed to signal one another about the potential use of force? What are potential areas for miscalculation and unintended consequences, and unwanted escalation in particular? This exploratory report provides an initial examination of how AI and autonomous systems could affect deterrence and escalation in conventional crises and conflicts. Findings suggest that the machine decisionmaking can result in inadvertent escalation or altered deterrence dynamics, due to the speed of machine decisionmaking, the ways in which it differs from human understanding, the willingness of many countries to use autonomous systems, our relative inexperience with them, and continued developments of these capabilities. Current planning and development efforts have not kept pace with how to handle the potentially destabilizing or escalatory issues associated with these new technologies, and it is essential that planners and decisionmakers begin to think about these issues before fielded systems are engaged in conflict.

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