A Compendium of the Doctrines of the Gospel

James A. (James Amasa) Little
Bok Engelsk
Project Gutenberg
Articles of faith -- The atonement -- Apostasy of the primitive church -- Angels -- Angel of the Lord -- Ministering angels -- Fallen angels -- Apostles: the first presidency of the twelve -- The twelve apostles -- Necessity of baptism -- Mode of baptism -- Object of baptism -- Baptism for the dead -- Book of Mormon: evidences of its divine authenticity -- Book of Mormon chronology -- Christ's first coming -- Christ's second coming -- Name of Christ's church -- Consecration, stewardship, united order -- Church chronology -- Dispensation of the fulness of times -- Destruction of the wicked -- Evangelists, or patriarchs -- The fall of Adam -- Free agency of man -- Faith -- Faith in God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost -- Necessity of faith in the holy priesthood -- Faith in continual revelation -- Foreordination: election -- Gathering of Israel -- Plurality of gods -- God a personage -- The true and living God -- Gems from history of Joseph Smith -- Israel a chosen people -- Joseph Smith, as a fulfiller of Bible prophecies -- Joseph Smith, as a fulfiller of Book of Mormon prophecies -- Joseph Smith, as a fulfiller of his own prophecies -- The Jerusalem of the Eastern hemisphere -- New Jerusalem -- Laying on of hands for ordination -- Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost -- Laying on of hands for healing the sick -- Latter-day Saints emigration -- Marriage: a divine institution, and designed to be eternal -- Marriage: plurality of wives -- Marriage: concubines -- Millennial reign -- Miracles -- Eternal ordinances, covenants, etc. -- The holy priesthood -- Aaronic priesthood -- Patriarchal priesthood -- Pre-existence of spirits -- Passover, or sacrament -- Repentance -- Remission of sins -- The resurrection -- Resurrection at Christ's resurrection -- Resurrection at the second coming of Christ -- Resurrection at the end of the world -- Resurrection of the body that is laid down -- Records of the Jaredites -- Records mentioned in the Bible and not in it -- Records of the Nephites -- The scattering of Israel -- Spirit of God, or Holy Ghost -- Spiritual gifts -- Signs and tokens -- The Sabbath day -- Spirits in prison -- Tithing -- Temples and sacred places -- The Book of Mormon -- Visions and dreams.

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