The pursuit of equality in the West

Aldo Schiavone ; translated by Jeremy Carden.
Bok Engelsk 2022
[ Eguaglianza .] English
pages cm
Originally published in Italian as Eguaglianza: una nuova visione sul filo della storia, Giulio Einaudi Editore, 2019.. - Prologue: The most beautiful of lives -- The Greek alternative: nature or politics? -- The Roman imprint: legal machine and theological constructions -- The equality of the moderns: labor, individuals, and classes in the age of capital -- Never so equal, never so different: the twentieth century in four acts -- The new equality: figures of the human in the age of technology.. - "Do democratic citizens have equal right to rule? Is it enough that they have equal standing before the law, or must there also be economic and social equality? Aldo Schiavone traces these questions and their diverse answers from the ancient world to the present and urges a new course to rescue democracies now suffering from excesses of inequality"--

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