Learning C# by developing games with unity 2021 : kickstart your C# programming and Unity journey by building 3D games from scratch /

Harrison Ferrone.
Bok Engelsk 2021 · Electronic books.
Annen tittel
Packt Publishing, Limited
1 online resource (429 pages)
6th ed.
Cover -- Copyright -- Contributors -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Getting to Know Your Environment -- Technical requirements -- Getting started with Unity 2021 -- Using macOS -- Creating a new project -- Navigating the editor -- Using C# with Unity -- Working with C# scripts -- Introducing the Visual Studio editor -- Opening a C# file -- Beware of naming mismatches -- Syncing C# files -- Exploring the documentation -- Accessing Unity's documentation -- Locating C# resources -- Summary -- Pop quiz - dealing with scripts -- Chapter 2: The Building Blocks of Programming -- Defining variables -- Names are important -- Variables act as placeholders -- Understanding methods -- Methods drive actions -- Methods are placeholders too -- Introducing classes -- A common Unity class -- Classes are blueprints -- Communication among classes -- Working with comments -- Single-line comments -- Multi-line comments -- Adding comments -- Putting the building blocks together -- Scripts become components -- A helping hand from MonoBehaviour -- Hero's trial - MonoBehaviour in the Scripting API -- Summary -- Pop quiz - C# building blocks -- Chapter 3: Diving into Variables, Types, and Methods -- Writing proper C# -- Debugging your code -- Understanding variables -- Declaring variables -- Type and value declarations -- Type-only declarations -- Using access modifiers -- Working with types -- Common built-in types -- Type conversions -- Inferred declarations -- Custom types -- Naming variables -- Understanding variable scope -- Introducing operators -- Arithmetic and assignments -- Defining methods -- Declaring methods -- Naming conventions -- Methods as logic detours -- Specifying parameters -- Specifying return values -- Using return values -- Hero's trial - methods as arguments -- Dissecting common Unity methods -- The Start method -- The Update method.. - Chapter 7: Movement, Camera Controls, and Collisions -- Managing player movement -- Moving the player with the Transform component -- Understanding vectors -- Getting player input -- Moving the player -- Scripting camera behavior -- Working with the Unity physics system -- Rigidbody components in motion -- Colliders and collisions -- Picking up an item -- Using Collider triggers -- Creating an enemy -- Hero's trial - all the Prefabs! -- Physics roundup -- Summary -- Pop quiz - player controls and physics -- Chapter 8: Scripting Game Mechanics -- Adding jumps -- Introducing enumerations -- Underlying types -- Working with layer masks -- Shooting projectiles -- Instantiating objects -- Adding the shooting mechanic -- Managing object build-up -- Creating a game manager -- Tracking player properties -- The get and set properties -- Updating item collection -- Creating a GUI -- Displaying player stats -- Win and loss conditions -- Pausing and restarting the game with using directives and namespaces -- Summary -- Pop quiz - working with mechanics -- Chapter 9: Basic AI and Enemy Behavior -- Navigating 3D space in Unity -- Navigation components -- Setting up enemy agents -- Moving enemy agents -- Procedural programming -- Referencing the patrol locations -- Moving the enemy -- Enemy game mechanics -- Seek and destroy: changing the agent's destination -- Lowering player health -- Detecting bullet collisions -- Updating the game manager -- Refactoring and keeping it DRY -- Summary -- Pop quiz - AI and navigation -- Chapter 10: Revisiting Types, Methods, and Classes -- Access modifiers -- Constant and read-only properties -- Using the static keyword -- Revisiting methods -- Overloading methods -- ref parameters -- out parameters -- Intermediate OOP -- Interfaces -- Abstract classes -- Class extensions -- Namespace conflicts and type aliasing -- Summary.. - Pop quiz - leveling up -- Chapter 11: Introducing Stacks, Queues, and HashSets -- Introducing stacks -- Popping and peeking -- Common methods -- Working with queues -- Adding, removing, and peeking -- Common methods -- Using HashSets -- Performing operations -- Intermediate collections roundup -- Summary -- Pop quiz - intermediate collections -- Chapter 12: Saving, Loading, and Serializing Data -- Introducing data formats -- Breaking down XML -- Breaking down JSON -- Understanding the filesystem -- Working with asset paths -- Creating and deleting directories -- Creating, updating, and deleting files -- Working with streams -- Managing your Stream resources -- Using a StreamWriter and StreamReader -- Creating an XMLWriter -- Automatically closing streams -- Serializing data -- Serializing and deserializing XML -- Serializing and deserializing JSON -- Data roundup -- Summary -- Pop quiz - data management -- Chapter 13: Exploring Generics, Delegates, and Beyond -- Introducing generics -- Generic objects -- Generic methods -- Constraint type parameters -- Adding generics to Unity objects -- Delegating actions -- Creating a debug delegate -- Delegates as parameter types -- Firing events -- Creating and invoking events -- Handling event subscriptions -- Cleaning up event subscriptions -- Handling exceptions -- Throwing exceptions -- Using try-catch -- Summary -- Pop quiz - intermediate C# -- Chapter 14: The Journey Continues -- Diving deeper -- Remembering your object-oriented programming -- Design patterns primer -- Approaching Unity projects -- Unity features we didn't cover -- Next steps -- C# resources -- Unity resources -- Unity certifications -- Hero's trial - putting something out into the world -- Summary -- Pop Quiz Answers -- Other Books You May Enjoy -- Index.. - Summary -- Pop quiz - variables and methods -- Chapter 4: Control Flow and Collection Types -- Selection statements -- The if-else statement -- Using the NOT operator -- Nesting statements -- Evaluating multiple conditions -- The switch statement -- Pattern matching -- Fall-through cases -- Pop quiz 1 - if, and, or but -- Collections at a glance -- Arrays -- Indexing and subscripts -- Range exceptions -- Lists -- Accessing and modifying lists -- Dictionaries -- Working with dictionary pairs -- Pop quiz 2 - all about collections -- Iteration statements -- for loops -- foreach loops -- Looping through key-value pairs -- while loops -- To infinity and beyond -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Working with Classes, Structs, and OOP -- Introducing OOP -- Defining classes -- Instantiating class objects -- Adding class fields -- Using constructors -- Declaring class methods -- Declaring structs -- Understanding reference and value types -- Reference types -- Value types -- Integrating the object-oriented mindset -- Encapsulation -- Inheritance -- Base constructors -- Composition -- Polymorphism -- Applying OOP in Unity -- Objects are a class act -- Accessing components -- Accessing components in code -- Drag and drop -- Summary -- Pop quiz - all things OOP -- Chapter 6: Getting Your Hands Dirty with Unity -- A game design primer -- Game design documents -- The Hero Born one-page -- Building a level -- Creating primitives -- Thinking in 3D -- Materials -- White-boxing -- Editor tools -- Hero's trial - putting up drywall -- Keeping the hierarchy clean -- Working with Prefabs -- Lighting basics -- Creating lights -- Light component properties -- Animating in Unity -- Creating animations in code -- Creating animations in the Unity Animation window -- Recording keyframes -- Curves and tangents -- Summary -- Pop quiz - basic Unity features.. - This sixth edition of the popular C# guide helps you learn the building blocks of the C# language, right from variables to classes and exception handling. After getting to grips with the basics of C# programming, it takes you through the world of Unity game development and how you can apply C# knowledge using game development examples.

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