The North Atlantic Noise Attack
Bok Engelsk 1989
Utgitt | S.l : Manic Ears Records , 1989
Omfang | 2 Grammofonplater : analog, 33 1/3 r/min, stereo
Opplysninger | Innhold Plate 1: Boiling Point ; Subliminal Decay ; Poetic Justice ; Nervous Breakdown ; Conform . I.D. ; Under One Fist ; S.H.C. ; Forced Deep Down Inside ; Alone on a Hill ; Zombies in Disneyland ; Plaything ; Blitskreig Bop ; Bench ; Bullshit Propoganda ; Carry on Screaming ; Face Up to It ; Stand Proud ; Too Soon to Judge ; Scum ; Life ; Retreat to Nowhere ; Eminent Scum. - Innhold Plate 2: Evolution Garden ; Forest of the Megalomaniac ; Head in the Smoke ; Final Conflict ; Look Beyond ; Living Hell ; Changes ; Sit Back and Laugh
Emner | |
ISBN | Nkr 300,00