Call to arms

Bok Engelsk 2011 · heavy metal

Brighton : UDR , 2011
2 CDer + 1 teksthefte
Tekster og opplysninger om utøverne i heftet. - UDR: 0028CD. - Innhold: Hammer of the gods ; Back in '79 ; Surviving against the odds ; Mists of Avalon ; Call to arms ; Chasing the bullet ; Afterburner ; When doomsday comes (Hybrid Theory soundtrack) ; No Rest for the wicked ; Ballad of the working man ; Call to arms (Orchestral version). Saxon live at Donington 1980: Motorcycle man ; Still fit to boogie ; Freeway mad ; Backs to the wall ; Wheels of steel ; Bap shu ap ; 747 (Strangers in the night). - Saxon: Biff Byford, Doug Scarratt, Nigel Glockler, Paul Quinn, Nibbs Carter
heavy metal . - metall . - pop . - rock

Andre utgaver/formater

Call to arms
Christer Wulff

Musikk på CD · Engelsk · 0

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