Splish splash. Volume one.

the best of Bobby Darin
Bok Engelsk 1991 · pop

New York : Atco ; 7 91794-2 , 1991
1 CD
Opplysninger om utøverne på omslaget. - Innhold: Splish splash ; Mighty mighty man ; Early in the morning ; Somebody to love ; Queen of the top ; She's tanfastic ; Moment of love ; Dream lover ; I'll be there ; Beachcomber ; Nature boy ; Similau ; You must have been a beautiful baby ; Baby face ; Irresisteble you ; What'd I say ; Multiplication ; Things ; Lovin' you ; If I were a carpenter ; Simple song of freedom
pop . - rock . - rockabilly

Andre utgaver/formater

Splish splash. Volume one.
the best of Bobby Darin

Musikk på CD · Engelsk · 1991

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