White lunar

Nick Cave & Warren Ellis
Bok Engelsk 2009 · Ballader
<S.l.> : Mute Records , 2009
2 CDer
Samling med filmmusikk fra "The Assassinatin of Jesse James by Coward Robert Ford", "The Proposition", "The Road", "The English Surgeon", "The Girls of Phnom Penh" samt uutgitt materiale.. - Innhold: CD 1: Song for Jesse ; Moving on ; What must be done ; Song for Bob ; Happy land ; The proposition no. 1 ; Road to Banyon ; The rider no. 2 ; Martha's dream ; Gun thing ; The rider song ; The road ; The mother ; The father ; The beach ; The journey ; The boy. - CD 2: Srey leak ; Me nea ; Rom ; Halo ; Zanstra ; Black silk (Suture) ; Brain retractor ; Dandy brain ; Rat's tooth forceps ; Kerrison's punch ; Micro sucker ; Window ; Daedalus ; Magma ; Cheata ; Sorya market
179 kr

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