Love and the Russian winter

Simply Red
Bok Engelsk 1999 · Popmusikk
Hucknall, Mick (utøver)
Wright, Andy (utøver)
Yashiki, Gota (utøver)
London : EastWest ; 3984299422 , 1999
1 CD
Tekster og opplysninger om utøverne på omslaget. - Innhold: The spirit of life ; Ain't that a lot of love ; Your eyes ; The sky is a gypsy ; Back into the universe ; Words for girlfriends ; Thank you ; Man made the gun ; Close to you ; More than a dream ; Wave the old world goodbye. - Simply red: Mick Hucknall, Andy Wright, Gota Yashiki
Popmusikk . - pop . - rock

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Love and the russian winter
Simply Red

Musikknoter · Engelsk · 2000

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