Python crash course : a hands-on, project-based introduction to programming /

by Eric Matthes.
Bok Engelsk 2016 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (562 p.)
1st edition
Includes index.. - About the Author ; About the Technical Reviewer ; Brief Contents ; Contents in Detail ; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Who Is This Book For? ; What Can You Expect to Learn? ; Why Python? ; Part I: Basics; Chapter 1: Getting Started; Setting Up Your Programming Environment ; Python 2 and Python 3 ; Running Snippets of Python Code ; Hello World! ; Python on Different Operating Systems ; Python on Linux ; Python on OS X ; Python on Windows ; Troubleshooting Installation Issues ; Running Python Programs from a Terminal ; On Linux and OS X ; On Windows ; Exercise 1-1: - Exercise 1-2: Hello World Typos Exercsie 1-3: Infinite Skills ; Summary ; Chapter 2: Variables and Simple Data Types; What Really Happens When You Run ; Variables ; Naming and Using Variables ; Avoiding Name Errors When Using Variables ; Exercise 2-1: Simple Message; Exercise 2-2: Simple Messages ; Strings ; Changing Case in a String with Methods ; Combining or Concatenating Strings ; Adding Whitespace to Strings with Tabs or Newlines ; Stripping Whitespace ; Avoiding Syntax Errors with Strings ; Printing in Python 2 ; Exercise 2-3: Personal Message ; Exercise 2-4: Name Cases. - Exercise 2-5: Famous Quotes Exercise 2-6: Famous Quote 2 ; Exercise 2-7: Stripping Names ; Numbers ; Integers ; Floats ; Avoiding Type Errors with the str Function ; Integers in Python 2 ; Exercise 2-8: Number Eight ; Exercise 2-9: Favorite Number ; Comments ; How Do You Write Comments? ; What Kind of Comments Should You Write? ; Exercise 2-10: Adding Comments ; The Zen of Python ; Exercise 2-11: Zen of Python ; Summary ; Chapter 3: Introducing Lists; What Is a List? ; Accessing Elements in a List ; Index Positions Start at 0, Not 1 ; Using Individual Values from a List. - Exercise 3-10: Every Function Avoiding Index Errors When Working with Lists ; Exercise 3-11: Intentional Error ; Summary ; Chapter 4: Working with Lists; Looping Through an Entire List ; A Closer Look at Looping ; Doing More Work Within a for Loop ; Doing Something After a for Loop ; Avoiding Indentation Errors ; Forgetting to Indent ; Forgetting to Indent Additional Lines ; Indenting Unnecessarily ; Indenting Unnecessarily After the Loop ; Forgetting the Colon ; Exercise 4-1: Pizzas ; Exercise 4-2: Animals ; Making Numerical Lists ; Using the range Function. - Exercise 3-1: Names Exercise 3-2: Greetings ; Exercise 3-3: Your Own List ; Changing, Adding, and Removing Elements ; Modifying Elements in a List ; Adding Elements to a List ; Removing Elements from a List ; Exercise 3-4: Guest List ; Exercise 3-5: Changing Guest List ; Exercise 3-6: More Guests ; Exercsie 3-7: Shrinking Guest List ; Organizing a List ; Sorting a List Permanently with the sort Method ; Sorting a List Temporarily with the sorted Function ; Printing a List in Reverse Order ; Finding the Length of a List ; Exercise 3-8: Seeing the World ; Exercise 3-9: Dinner Guests. - Using range to Make a List of Numbers. - Python Crash Course is a quick, no-nonsense guide to programming in Python.
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