Understanding ECMAScript 6 : the definitive guide for JavaScript developers /

by Nicholas C. Zakas.
Bok Engelsk 2016 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (355 pages)
1st edition
Includes index.. - Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- About the Author -- About the Technical Reviewer -- Brief Contents -- Contents in Detail -- Foreword -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- The Road to ECMAScript 6 -- About This Book -- Browser and Node.js Compatibility -- Who This Book Is For -- Overview -- Conventions Used -- Help and Support -- Chapter 1: Block Bindings -- var Declarations and Hoisting -- Block-Level Declarations -- let Declarations -- No Redeclaration -- const Declarations -- The Temporal Dead Zone -- Block Bindings in Loops -- Functions in Loops -- let Declarations in Loops -- const Declarations in Loops -- Global Block Bindings -- Emerging Best Practices for Block Bindings -- Summary -- Chapter 2: Strings and Regular Expressions -- Better Unicode Support -- UTF-16 Code Points -- The codePointAt Method -- The String.fromCodePoint Method -- The normalize Method -- The Regular Expression u Flag -- Other String Changes -- Methods for Identifying Substrings -- The repeat Method -- Other Regular Expression Changes -- The Regular Expression y Flag -- Duplicating Regular Expressions -- The flags Property -- Template Literals -- Basic Syntax -- Multiline Strings -- Making Substitutions -- Tagged Templates -- Summary -- Chapter 3: Functions -- Functions with Default Parameter Values -- Simulating Default Parameter Values in ECMAScript 5 -- Default Parameter Values in ECMAScript 6 -- How Default Parameter Values Affect the arguments Object -- Default Parameter Expressions -- Default Parameter TDZ -- Working with Unnamed Parameters -- Unnamed Parameters in ECMAScript 5 -- Rest Parameters -- Increased Capabilities of the Function Constructor -- The Spread Operator -- The name Property -- Choosing Appropriate Names -- Special Cases of the name Property -- Clarifying the Dual Purpose of Functions.. - Determining How a Function Was Called in ECMAScript 5 -- The new.target Metaproperty -- Block-Level Functions -- Deciding When to Use Block-Level Functions -- Block-Level Functions in Non-Strict Mode -- Arrow Functions -- Arrow Function Syntax -- Creating Immediately Invoked Function Expressions -- No this Binding -- Arrow Functions and Arrays -- No arguments Binding -- Identifying Arrow Functions -- Tail Call Optimization -- How Tail Calls Are Different in ECMAScript 6 -- How to Harness Tail Call Optimization -- Summary -- Chapter 4: Expanded Object Functionality -- Object Categories -- Object Literal Syntax Extensions -- Property Initializer Shorthand -- Concise Methods -- Computed Property Names -- New Methods -- The Object.is Method -- The Object.assign Method -- Duplicate Object Literal Properties -- Own Property Enumeration Order -- Enhancements for Prototypes -- Changing an Object's Prototype -- Easy Prototype Access with Super References -- A Formal Method Definition -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Destructuring for Easier Data Access -- Why Is Destructuring Useful? -- Object Destructuring -- Destructuring Assignment -- Default Values -- Assigning to Different Local Variable Names -- Nested Object Destructuring -- Array Destructuring -- Destructuring Assignment -- Default Values -- Nested Array Destructuring -- Rest Items -- Mixed Destructuring -- Destructured Parameters -- Destructured Parameters Are Required -- Default Values for Destructured Parameters -- Summary -- Chapter 6: Symbols and Symbol Properties -- Creating Symbols -- Using Symbols -- Sharing Symbols -- Symbol Coercion -- Retrieving Symbol Properties -- Exposing Internal Operations with Well-Known Symbols -- The Symbol.hasInstance Method -- The Symbol.isConcatSpreadable Property -- The Symbol.match, Symbol.replace, Symbol.search, and Symbol.split Properties.. - New Methods on All Arrays -- The find and findIndex Methods -- The fill Method -- The copyWithin Method -- Typed Arrays -- Numeric Data Types -- Array Buffers -- Manipulating Array Buffers with Views -- Similarities Between Typed and Regular Arrays -- Common Methods -- The Same Iterators -- The of and from Methods -- Differences Between Typed and Regular Arrays -- Behavioral Differences -- Missing Methods -- Additional Methods -- Summary -- Chapter 11: Promises and Asynchronous Programming -- Asynchronous Programming Background -- The Event Model -- The Callback Pattern -- Promise Basics -- The Promise Life Cycle -- Creating Unsettled Promises -- Creating Settled Promises -- Executor Errors -- Global Promise Rejection Handling -- Node.js Rejection Handling -- Browser Rejection Handling -- Chaining Promises -- Catching Errors -- Returning Values in Promise Chains -- Returning Promises in Promise Chains -- Responding to Multiple Promises -- The Promise.all Method -- The Promise.race Method -- Inheriting from Promises -- Promise-Based Asynchronous Task Running -- Summary -- Chapter 12: Proxies and the Reflection API -- The Array Problem -- Introducing Proxies and Reflection -- Creating a Simple Proxy -- Validating Properties Using the set Trap -- Object Shape Validation Using the get Trap -- Hiding Property Existence Using the has Trap -- Preventing Property Deletion with the deleteProperty Trap -- Prototype Proxy Traps -- How Prototype Proxy Traps Work -- Why Two Sets of Methods? -- Object Extensibility Traps -- Two Basic Examples -- Duplicate Extensibility Methods -- Property Descriptor Traps -- Blocking Object.defineProperty -- Descriptor Object Restrictions -- Duplicate Descriptor Methods -- The ownKeys Trap -- Function Proxies with the apply and construct Traps -- Validating Function Parameters -- Calling Constructors Without new.. - Overriding Abstract Base Class Constructors -- Callable Class Constructors -- Revocable Proxies -- Solving the Array Problem -- Detecting Array Indexes -- Increasing length When Adding New Elements -- Deleting Elements When Reducing length -- Implementing the MyArray Class -- Using a Proxy as a Prototype -- Using the get Trap on a Prototype -- Using the set Trap on a Prototype -- Using the has Trap on a Prototype -- Proxies as Prototypes on Classes -- Summary -- Chapter 13: Encapsulating Code with Modules -- What Are Modules? -- Basic Exporting -- Basic Importing -- Importing a Single Binding -- Importing Multiple Bindings -- Importing an Entire Module -- A Subtle Quirk of Imported Bindings -- Renaming Exports and Imports -- Default Values in Modules -- Exporting Default Values -- Importing Default Values -- Re-exporting a Binding -- Importing Without Bindings -- Loading Modules -- Using Modules in Web Browsers -- Browser Module Specifier Resolution -- Summary -- Appendix A: Minor Changes in ECMAScript 6 -- Working with Integers -- Identifying Integers -- Safe Integers -- New Math Methods -- Unicode Identifiers -- Formalizing the __proto__ Property -- Appendix B: Understanding ECMAScript 7 (2016) -- The Exponentiation Operator -- Order of Operations -- Operand Restriction -- The Array.prototype.includes Method -- How to Use Array.prototype.includes -- Value Comparison -- A Change to Function-Scoped Strict Mode -- Index -- The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) -- Updates -- Level Up Your JavaScript.. - The Symbol.toPrimitive Method -- The Symbol.toStringTag Property -- The Symbol.unscopables Property -- Summary -- Chapter 7: Sets and Maps -- Sets and Maps in ECMAScript 5 -- Problems with Workarounds -- Sets in ECMAScript 6 -- Creating Sets and Adding Items -- Removing Items -- The forEach Method for Sets -- Converting a Set to an Array -- Weak Sets -- Maps in ECMAScript 6 -- Map Methods -- Map Initialization -- The forEach Method for Maps -- Weak Maps -- Summary -- Chapter 8: Iterators and Generators -- The Loop Problem -- What Are Iterators? -- What Are Generators? -- Generator Function Expressions -- Generator Object Methods -- Iterables and for-of Loops -- Accessing the Default Iterator -- Creating Iterables -- Built-In Iterators -- Collection Iterators -- String Iterators -- NodeList Iterators -- The Spread Operator and Nonarray Iterables -- Advanced Iterator Functionality -- Passing Arguments to Iterators -- Throwing Errors in Iterators -- Generator Return Statements -- Delegating Generators -- Asynchronous Task Running -- A Simple Task Runner -- Task Running with Data -- An Asynchronous Task Runner -- Summary -- Chapter 9: Introducing JavaScript Classes -- Class-Like Structures in ECMAScript 5 -- Class Declarations -- A Basic Class Declaration -- Why Use the Class Syntax? -- Class Expressions -- A Basic Class Expression -- Named Class Expressions -- Classes as First-Class Citizens -- Accessor Properties -- Computed Member Names -- Generator Methods -- Static Members -- Inheritance with Derived Classes -- Shadowing Class Methods -- Inherited Static Members -- Derived Classes from Expressions -- Inheriting from Built-Ins -- The Symbol.species Property -- Using new.target in Class Constructors -- Summary -- Chapter 10: Improved Array Capabilities -- Creating Arrays -- The Array.of Method -- The Array.from Method.. - Understanding ECMAScript 6 is your roadmap to the new object types, syntax, and other exciting features in the latest version of JavaScript.
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