Supernatural. Sesong 8.

Bok Engelsk 2013 · Drama
Flere språk: Fransk
Ackles, Jensen Ross (skuespiller)
Padalecki, Jared (skuespiller)
Oslo : Warner Bros. , 2013
6 DVD-er (15 t, 28 min) : lyd, kol.
Orig.titi.: Supernatural. - Produksjonsår: 2012. - Aldersgrense: 15 år. - Språk: engelsk, fransk. Tekstet på: norsk, svensk, dansk, finsk, nederlandsk, fransk. - Utgivers beskrivelse: The Leviathan has ended, but Dean's miraculous return fram Purgatory unsettles his relationship with Sam, who is haunted by his "last-chance" romance. A Divine Tablet reveals the means to closing the Gates of Hell forever, but the cost of striking a deathblow to evil may be cataclysmic to the Winchester brothers and their angelic ally Castiel.. - I rollene: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki m.fl.

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