The trouble with Kings : the composition of the book of Kings in the Deuteronomistic history /

by Steven L. McKenzie.
Bok Engelsk 1991 · Electronic books
Leiden ; New York : : E.J. Brill, , 1991.
1 online resource (xii, 186 p. )
2. Tearing the Kingdom: the Jeroboam Cycle in 1 Kings 11-14 -- Ajijah's oracle -- Jeroboam's role at Shechem -- The legend of the man of God from Judah -- Dtr's portrait of Jeroboam -- 3. Dog food and bird food: the oracles against the dynasties in the book of kings -- against the house of Jeroboam -- Against Baasha -- Against Ahab -- 1 Kings 21:20-24 -- 2 Kings 9-10 -- 4. Prophets come lately: prophetic additions to the book of Kings -- 1 Kings 17-19 -- 1 Kings 20 and 22:1-38 -- 2 Kings 1 -- 2 Kings 2; 3:4-27; 4:1-8; 13:14-21 -- 5. Trust and Obey: the reigns of Hezekiah and Josiah -- a. Isaiah and the reign of Hezekiah -- introduction (18:1-12) and conclusion (20:20-21) -- Sennacherib's invasion -- Hezekiah's illness and recovery -- the Babylonian envoy -- Dtr's portrait of Hezekiah -- b. The Reign of Josiah -- the finding of the book of the law -- the oracle of Huldah -- the renewal of the covenant -- Josiah's reform -- the celebration of the Passover -- the summary of Josiah's reform -- the summary of Josiah's reign. - 6. A Time for Everlasting: dating the Deuteronomistic History -- a. in the reign of Hezekiah -- b. in the reign of Josiah -- thematic arguments -- David -- the sin of Jeroboam -- the sin of Manasseh -- the distinctiveness of the account following Josiah -- changes in tone -- absence of themes -- formulas -- the Chronicler's use of the DH -- associations between Josiah and the earlier DH -- c. in the exile -- d. synthesis -- 7. And Dter2 too?: the question of a second, systematic redactor behind the book of Kings -- the exilic editor in the double redaction theory -- 2 Kings 23:26-25:26 -- 2 Kings 2:4; 8:25; 9:4-5 -- 1 Kings 6:11-14 -- 1 Kings 8 -- 1 Kings 9:6-9 -- 1 Kings 17:7-41 -- 2 Kings 20:12-19 -- 2 Kings 21:1-16 -- 2 Kings 22:15-20 -- Conclusions. New and improved: suggested revisions of Noth's theory of the Deuteronomistic history -- model of composition -- additions to Dtr's work -- date -- purpose -- Table of Dtr's history and post- Dtr additions -- DtrH -- post-Dtr additions.. - Introduction. History if the History: The Theory of the Deuteronomistic History and the Problem of the Book of Kings -- Noth's theory -- two early reactions -- a. Jepsen -- b. von Rad -- Redactional Theories -- a. a Deuteronomistic school -- b. pre-exilic composition and exilic redaction -- c. multiple exilic redactions -- d. exilic redaction of pre-exilic sources -- Excursus: reconstructions of a pre-dtr prophetic level in Samuel-Kings -- a. Campbell and McCarter -- A Single Exilic Composer -- a. Hoffmann -- b. Peckham -- c. Van Seters -- Synthesis -- 1. The Reader's Digest® account of Jeroboam: an analysis of 3 reigns 12:24a-z -- the text of 3 reigns 12:24a-z -- translations of 3 reigns 12:24a-z -- a. summary -- Previous evaluations of the "Supplement" -- the composition of 3 reigns 12:24a-z
Bible. . Kings - Criticism, Redaction.
D document (Biblical criticism)

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