A winter's night at the crooked forest

Sheriffs of Nothingness
Bok Uten språklig innhold 2013

Moe, Ole-Henrik (utøver)
Rønnekleiv, Kari (utøver)
[Oslo] : Sofa , 2013
1 kompaktplate
Sofa: SOFA540. - Innhold: The first snow queen (Chelsea Hotel) ; Mari S., the ice princess ; Peismusikk - fireplace (on request: A. Strype on fireplace) ; The second snow queen (Also Chelsea Hotel) ; Dysfunctional folklore with Brian O. ; The winter's night at the crooked forest (requiem for a Nagra) ; Blizzard ; You are walking on a sleeping summer. - Sheriffs of Nothingness: Kari Rønnekleiv, fiolin ; Ole Henrik Moe, bratsj

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A winter's night at the crooked forest
Sheriffs of Nothingness
Sheriffs of Nothingness

Musikk på CD · Uten språklig innhold · 2013

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