The very best of Dusty Springfield

Dusty Springfield
Bok Engelsk 1998 · Popmusikk
Storbritania : Mercury , 1998
2 CD-er : digital
1. utg.: 1964-1970. - Mercury: 314 558 208-2. - Innhold: I only want to be with you ; In private ; I just don't know what to do with myself ; Give me time ; Some of your lovin' ; Goin' back ; You don't have to say you love me ; What have I done to deserve this? ; I close my eyes and count to ten ; Wishin' and hopin' ; Little by little ; Stay awhile ; All I see is you ; Nothing has been proved ; Losing you ; Twenty four hours from tulsa ; In the middle of nowhere ; Son of a preacher man ; Anyone who had a heart ; If you go away ; I'll try anything ; How can I be sure? ; Werever would I be? ; The look of love
Popmusikk - England

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The very best of Dusty Springfield
Dusty Springfield

Musikk på CD · Engelsk · 1998

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