21st century breakdown

Green Day
Bok Engelsk 2009 · Alternative pop-rock
Armstrong, Billie Joe (utøver)
Cool, Tré (utøver)
Dirnt, Mike (utøver)
Hollywood : Reprise Records , 2009
1 CD
Tekster og opplysninger om utøverne på omslaget. - Innhold: Song of the century ; Act I: Heroes and cons: 21st century breakdown ; Know your enemy ; ¡Viva la Gloria! ; Before the lobotomy ; Christian's inferno ; Last night on earth. Act II: Charlatans and saints: East Jesus nowhere ; Peacmaker ; Last of the American girls ; Murder city ; ¿Viva la Gloria? (Little girl) ; Restless heart syndrome. Act III: Horseshoes and handgrenades: Horseshoes and handgrenades ; The static age ; 21 guns ; American eulogy: A. Mass hysteria ; B. Modern world ; See the light. - Green Day: Mike Dirnt, Billie Joe Armstrong, Tre Cool
O1 . - cd 8047

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21st century breakdown
Green Day
Green Day

Musikknoter · Engelsk · 2009

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