Dynamics and erosion of solids in protoplanetary disks

Noemi Shaffer
Bok Engelsk 2021 Noemi Schaffer,· Avhandlingar
Tekstet på: Svensk
1 bind (varierende paginering) : illustrasjoner, diagram, tabeller
Avhandling (ph.d.) – Lunds universitet, Lund, 2021. - Protoplanetary disks are the natural by-product of star formation and the sites of planet formation. Initially, they are composed of the gas and small solids they inherit from the molecular cloud they form in. The interactions between this material is complex and understanding their details is key for a complete picture of planet formation. The planet formation process begins with growth form about micrometer-sized solids to about centimeter sized pebbles. These pebbles can then concentrate into clumps through mechanisms such as the streaming instability, where we take into account that there is mutual drag between the gas and the solids. Due to the backreaction of the gas, given an initial small solid clump, its drift velocity is decreased. This leads to further growth as the inward drifting solids from the outer disk are incorporated in the initial clump. Once the critical density is reached, the clumps gravitationally collapse into planetesimals. Then, through the accretion of pebbles, other planetesimals and gas, planets form.
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