Spitfire International

Helmut Terbeck, Harry van der Meer& Ray Sturtivant
Bok Engelsk 2002 Helmut Terbck

UK : Air-Britain Ltd , 2002
480 sider : Illustrert
Fra boksamling donert av Birger Larsen. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During and after the Second World War, large numbers of Spitfires were flown by air forces around the world other than the RAF. Of the production total of nearly 23,000 Spitfires and Seafires, well over 6,000 went to overseas air forces and concise detailed histories are given of all those that have been identified. Background information is also given of the numerous overseas and Commonwealth air forces concerned, including the uses to which the aircraft were put and the units which operated them. When the war ended there were many thousands in storage and these then became available for sale second-hand at acceptable prices. They were particularly popular with countries seeking to rebuild or re-equip their air forces in the immediate post-war period. As the number available in this way gradually dwindled, the Spitfire became sought by collectors around the world and rebuilt examples began to appear increasingly at air shows, to become one of the star turns. As stock diminished, values rose, and a serviceable example can now command a six or seven-figure price. This 480-page book includes outline details of all Spitfires known to have been flown outside the UK with civil registrations. It is profusely illustrated with around 460 black & white and colour illustrations including side views, insignia and maps. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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