The valley of fear

Arthur Conan Doyle
Bok Engelsk 2020 · Klassisk litteratur
London : Arcturus Publishing , 2020
208 sider
When Holmes and Watson receive a cipher from one of Moriarty's henchmen warning of dark doings at a manor house, they find themselves on the trail of a murderer. Almost immediately, they are on their way to Sussex where they discover a corpse with its head blown to pieces. But all is not as it seems. For the origins of this case lie in America, and involve a Pinkerton's man and the doings of a terrible and secretive lodge.

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The valley of fear
Arthur Conan Doyle ; edited with an intro...

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The valley of fear
Arthur Conan Doyle

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The Valley of Fear
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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The valley of fear
by Arthur Conan Doyle

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