A beacon set on fire: or The humble information of certain stationers, citizens of London, to the Parliament and Commonwealth of England : Concerning the vigilancy of Jesuits, papists, and apostates, (taking advantage of the divisions among our selves and the states great employment,) to corrupt the pure doctrine of the Scriptures. Introduce the whole body of popish doctrine & worship. Seduce the subjects of this Commonwealth unto the popish religion, or that which is worse. By writing and publishing many popish books, (printed in England in the English tongue within these three last years, therein maintaining all the gross points of popery, ... And blasphemous books of another nature: all made evident by the catalogue and contents of many of the aforesaid books added hereunto. Published for the service of the Parliament and commonwealth. Hoping that the Parliament by sufficient laws, ... will set themselves ... to maintain the faith that was once delivered to the saints against all the enemies thereof.

Bok Engelsk 1652 · Kilder
Annen tittel
London : Printed for the subscribers hereof , 1652
Kilder : (NO-TrBIB)HUME01241. - Kildeskrifter : (uri)https://id.nb.no/vocabulary/ntsf/602. - Pamfletter : (NO-TrBIB)HUME20838
Geografisk emneord
Great Britain - Church history . - England : (NO-TrBIB)HUME03184

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