Anthologia lyrica : Anacreontea et Anacreontis aliorumque lyricorum Graecorum selecta fragmenta et scolia continens Edidit cum notis et metrorum expositionne Fridericus Mehlhorn, Phil. Dr.

Friedrich Mehlhorn, utg.
Bok Flerspråklig 1827 · Dikt gresk


    Leipzig : Sumptibus et typis B. G. Teubneri , 1827
    148 s. : Flere sider med eksempler på versemål
    A collection of poems by numerous, anonymous imitators was long believed to be the works of Anacreon himself. Known as the Anacreontea, it was preserved in a 10th-century manuscript which also included the Palatine Anthology. The poems themselves appear to have been composed over a long period of time, from the time of Alexander the Great until the time that paganism gave way in the Roman Empire. They reflect the light-hearted elegance of much of Anacreon's genuine works although they were not written in the same Ionic Greek dialect that Anacreon used. They also display literary references and styles more common to the time of their actual composition. ... Anacreontea (Greek: Ἀνακρεόντεια) is the title given to a collection of some 60 Greek poems on the topics of wine, beauty, erotic love, Dionysus, etc. The poems date to between the 1st century BC and the 6th century AD, and are attributed pseudepigraphically to Anacreon. The collection is preserved in the same 10th-century manuscript as the Anthologia Palatina (Palatinus gr. 23), together with some other poetry. Henri Estienne published them in 1554. ... Anacreontics are verses in a metre used by the Greek poet Anacreon in his poems dealing with love and wine. His later Greek imitators (whose surviving poems are known as the Anacreontea) took up the same themes and used the Anacreontic meter. In modern poetry, Anacreontics are short lyrical pieces that keep the Anacreontic subject matter but not the metre. Wikipedia 28.01.2021
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