Essentials of tourism

Chris Cooper
Bok Engelsk 2021
xxii, 446 sider : illustrasjoner
Third edition
Forrige utgave: 2016. - Part 1: Tourism essentials: an introduction -- Part 2: Destination essentials -- Part 3: Tourism sector essentials -- Part 4: Tourism demand and marketing essentials -- Part 5: Tourism futures: the essentials.. - "Will robots take over serving us in hotels? Will flight shaming prevent us travelling in the future? How has the rise of social media impacted upon tourism marketing? – and what has been the impact of airbnb on tourism cities? For answers to these and many other contemporary tourism questions, simply turn to the third edition of Essentials of Tourism by Chris Cooper.From artificial intelligence, robotics and digital marketing to assessing the impact of events, every tourism student will find this book essential reading for not only grasping the key issues but applying them to real problems faced by professionals in the tourism industry.The book includes many new case studies from every continent around the world including cases to give you a truly global approach to how tourism theory can be applied in an international context. This is combined with a lively and accessible writing style which will support and guide you through how tourism has been affected and will continue to be shaped by technology, changing government policy and sustainability concerns.Key features of the new edition:'Focus on Technology' and 'Focus on Employment' boxes included in every chapter.Three current case studies included in each chapter to bring context to the reader.Classic papers - introduces students to relevant academic research and refers to the selected paper throughout the chapter."
turisme reiseliv næringsøkonomi
9781526494474. - 9781526494481

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Essentials of tourism
Chris Cooper

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Essentials of tourism
Chris Cooper

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Chris Cooper

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Chris Cooper

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Essentials of tourism
Chris Cooper

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