Postcolonialism : an historical introduction

Robert J. C. Young
Bok Engelsk 2016 Robert Young
[ Postcolonialism .] Engelsk
John Wiley , 2016.
xxx, 500 sider
Anniversary edition
Første utgave 2001. - 1. Colonialism and the Politics of Postcolonial Critique. Part I: Concepts in History: 2. Colonialism. 3. Imperialism. 4. Neocolonialism. 5. Postcolonialism. Part II: European Anti-colonialism: 6. Las Casas to Burke. 7. Nineteenth-century Liberalism. 8. Marx on Colonialism and Imperialism. Part III: The Internationals: 9. Socialism and Nationalism: The First International to the Russian Revolution. 10. The Third International, to the Baku Congress of the Peoples of the East. 11. The Women's International, the Third and the Fourth Internationals. Part IV: Theoretical Practices of the Freedom Struggles: 12. The National Liberation Movements: Introduction. 13. Marxism and the National Liberation Movements. 14. China, Egypt, Bandung. 15. Latin America I: Mariátegui, Transculturation and Cultural Dependency. 16. Latin America II: Cuba: Guevara, Castro and the Tricontinental. 17. Africa I: Anglophone African Socialism. 18. Africa II: Nkrumah and Pan-Africanism. 19. Africa III: The Senghors and Francophone African Socialism. 20. Africa IV: Fanon/Cabral. 21. The Subject of Violence: Algeria, Ireland. 22. India I: Marxism in India. 23. India II: Gandhi's Counter-modernity. Part V: Formations of Postcolonial Theory: 24. India III: Hybridity and Subaltern Agency: 25. Women, Gender and Anti-colonialism. 26. Edward Said and Colonial Discourse. 27. Foucault in Tunisia. 28. Subjectivity and History: Derrida in Algeria. Epilogue: Tricontinentalism, for a Transnational Social Justice.. - This key new introduction, by one of the leading exponents in the field, explains in clear and accessible language the historical and theoretical origins of post-colonial theory. Acknowledging that post-colonial theory draws on a wide, often contested, range of theory from different fields, Young analyzes the concepts and issues involved, explains the meaning of key terms, and interprets the work of some of the major writers concerned, to provide an ideal introductory guide for those undergraduates or academics coming to post-colonial theory and criticism for the first time.. - info:sid/
Postkolonialisme Historie Historisk fremstilling Kolonialisme Frigjøring

Andre utgaver/formater

Postcolonialism : an historical introduction
Robert Young
Robert J.C. Young

Bok · Engelsk · 2001

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