The Hittite middle voice : synchrony, diachrony, typology

by Guglielmo Inglese
Bok Engelsk 2020
XVI, 638 sider : figurer
Revidert utgave av forfatterens doktoravhandling, University of Pavia/University of Bergamo, 2019. - "In The Hittite Middle Voice Guglielmo Inglese offers a new treatment of the middle voice in Hittite. The book features two main parts. In the first part, the author provides an updated synchronic description of the Hittite middle based on the existing typology of voice systems and valency changing operations. Moreover, based on a careful analysis of a chronologically ordered corpus of original Hittite texts, the book offers the first ever diachronic account of the Hittite middle. As Inglese argues, the findings of this book greatly enrich our general knowledge of the diachronic typology of middle voice systems. The second part of the book features a thorough description of more than 100 Hittite verbs in original texts"--

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