Murman - the coast of hope : the history of colonization 1860-1940 : exhibition catalogue and collection of articles

Bok Engelsk 2012
Vadsø : Varanger Museum IKS , 2012
83 s. : ill. (noen kol.), kart, port.
Omslagstittel. - Utstillingskatalog. - Bibliografi: s. 81-83. - Innhold: The Murman coast - on the eve / Ruslan Davydov, Ekaterina Orekhova. "Allow on a Pilot basis" : start of the official colonization of Murman in the 19th century / Ruslan Davydov, Ekaterina Orekhova. Causes of the migration from Norway to the Murman coast / Ole Lindhartsen. "We wanted the best" : benefits and privileges for the colonists of the Murman coast / Ekaterina Orekhova, Ruslan Davydov, Ruslan Peresadilo. "Church, school, hospital" : religion, education and healthcare in the colonies of the Murman coast / Ekaterina Orekhova. "We are so different" : national groups of the colonists on the Murman coast / Ekaterina Orekhova. Murman and Finmark - two of a kind? / Jens Petter Nielsen. The birth of Soviet civilization, Soviet-Norwegian relations and the fate of the Kola settlers in the 1920-30s / Andrey Repnevskiy. The history of Petsamo / Leif Rantala. Tracing the steps of some Kola Norwegians, Norway-Russia-Norway / Sigrid Skarstein. Nelli Heikkinen : the real story of a Finnish colonist family / Leif Rantala

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