Conducting and reading research in kinesiology

Ted A. Baumgartner [and three others].
Bok Engelsk 2021 · Electronic books.
Jones & Bartlett Learning
1 online resource (844 pages)
Sixth edition.
Cover Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Brief Contents -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- About the Authors -- About SHAPE America -- Chapter 1 The Nature, Purpose, and Overall Process of Research -- The Essence of a Profession: Knowledge -- Research: The Knowledge Pipeline -- The Search for Knowledge -- The Scientific Method -- The Nature of Research, Science, and Theory -- Types of Research Classifications -- Basic and Applied Research -- Action Research -- Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed-Methods Research -- Experimental Research and Nonexperimental Research -- The Significance of Research in Kinesiology -- Summary of Objectives -- References -- Chapter 2 Descriptive Research -- Types of Descriptive Research -- Survey -- Developmental -- Case Study -- Correlational -- Normative -- Observational -- Action -- Causal-Comparative -- Survey Research -- Preliminary Considerations in Planning a Survey -- Survey Methods -- Summary of Objectives -- References -- Chapter 3 Experimental Research -- Procedure in Experimental Research -- Internal and External Validity -- Controlling Threats to Validity -- Threats to Internal Validity -- Threats to External Validity -- Types of Designs -- Validity in Summary -- Methods of Control -- Common Sources of Error -- Hawthorne Effect -- Placebo Effect -- "John Henry" Effect -- Rating Effect -- Experimenter Bias Effect -- Participant-Researcher Interaction Effect -- Post Hoc Error -- Measurement in Experimental Research -- Summary of Objectives -- References -- Chapter 4 Qualitative and Mixed-Methods Research -- Phases of the Qualitative Research Process -- Researcher Processing -- Selecting Paradigms or Theories to Guide the Studies -- Determining Strategies That May Be Used by the Researcher -- Outlining the Methods for Collecting Data -- Data Collection Process.. - Decision on Alternate Hypotheses and Alpha Level -- Analysis of Variance -- One-Way ANOVA -- Repeated Measures ANOVA -- Random Blocks ANOVA -- Two-Way ANOVA, Multiple Scores per Cell -- Other ANOVA Designs -- Assumptions Underlying Statistical Tests -- Effect Size -- Overview of Two-Group Comparisons -- Review of Analysis of Covariance -- Overview of Nonparametric Tests -- One-Way Chi-Square -- Two-Way Chi-Square -- Overview of Multivariate Tests -- Overview of Prediction-Regression Analysis -- Simple Prediction -- Multiple Prediction -- Nonlinear Regression -- Overview of Testing Correlation Coefficients -- Selecting the Statistical Test -- Summary of Objectives -- References -- Chapter 16 Qualitative and Mixed-Methods Data Analysis and Interpretations -- Qualitative Designs -- Qualitative Data Analysis -- Interpreting, Evaluating, and Presenting Qualitative Data -- Verification and Trustworthiness of the Data -- Mixed-Methods Designs -- Mixed-Methods Data Analysis -- Interpreting, Evaluating, and Presenting Mixed-Methods Data -- Summary of Objectives -- References -- Chapter 17 Developing the Research Proposal -- Specific Aims -- Proposal Title -- Writing Chapter One: Introduction -- Purpose of the Study -- Significance of the Study -- Delimitations -- Limitations -- Assumptions -- Hypotheses -- Definition of Terms -- Writing Chapter Two: Review of Related Literature -- Writing Chapter Three: Procedures -- Summary of Objectives -- References -- Chapter 18 Writing the Research Report -- Format of the Report -- Divisions of a Thesis or Dissertation -- Preliminary Items -- Abstract -- The Body or Text of the Report -- References -- Supplementary Items -- Thesis Format Versus Published Article Format -- Preparing a Manuscript for Publication -- Before Writing -- During Writing -- After Writing -- Guides to Preparation of the Research Report.. - Informed Consent -- Participant Assent -- Privacy and Confidentiality -- Privacy -- Confidentiality -- Disclosure of Research Findings -- Summary of Objectives -- References -- Chapter 12 Identifying, Recruiting, and Selecting Research Participants -- Populations and Samples -- Populations -- Sampling -- Sampling Process -- Sample Selection Methods -- Sample Size -- Recruiting Participants -- Selecting Participants -- Summary of Objectives -- References -- Chapter 13 Measurement in Research -- Essential Characteristics of Data -- Type of Scores -- Quality of a Good Test -- Objectivity -- Reliability (Relative) -- Reliability (Absolute) -- Validity -- Evidence Based on Test Content -- Evidence Based on Relations to Other Variables -- Evidence Based on Internal Structure -- Evidence Based on Response Processes -- Evidence Based on Consequence of Testing -- Other Evidence -- Other Measurement Considerations -- Reporting Validity -- Summary of Objectives -- References -- Chapter 14 Descriptive Data Analysis -- Data Analysis Basics -- Common Units of Measure -- Computer Analysis -- Organizing and Graphing Scores -- Simple Frequency Distributions -- Grouping Scores for Graphing -- Descriptive Values -- Measures of Central Tendency -- Measures of Variability -- Measuring Group Position -- Percentile Ranks and Percentiles -- Standard Scores -- Determining Relationships Between Scores -- The Graphing Technique -- The Correlation Technique -- Summary of Objectives -- References -- Chapter 15 Inferential Data Analysis -- Inference -- Hypothesis-Testing Procedure -- Step 1: State the Hypotheses -- Step 2: Select the Probability Level -- Step 3: Consult the Statistical Table -- Step 4: Conduct the Statistical Test -- Step 5: Accept or Reject the Null Hypothesis -- One-Group t-test -- Two Independent Groups t-test -- Two Dependent Groups t-test.. - Phases of the Mixed-Methods Process -- Exploratory Sequential Mixed-Methods -- Explanatory Sequential Mixed-Methods -- Convergent Parallel Mixed-Methods -- Summary of Objectives -- References -- Chapter 5 Historical Research and Action Research -- Historical Research -- Current State of Historical Research in Kinesiology -- Sources of Historical Data -- The Importance of Asking the Right Questions -- Data Control and Interpretation -- Hypotheses in Historical Research -- Evaluating Historical Data -- Biographical Research -- Writing Historical Research Reports -- Action Research -- What Is Action Research? -- Characteristics of Action Research -- The Action Research Process -- Sample Action Research Study -- Ethics in Research -- Summary of Objectives -- References -- Chapter 6 Epidemiological Research -- A Brief History -- Selected Epidemiological Studies in Kinesiology -- Selected Key Documents Related to Epidemiological Research in Kinesiology -- Methods in Epidemiological Research -- Commonly Used Epidemiological Measures -- Research Design in Epidemiological Studies -- Commonly Used Statistics in Epidemiology Studies -- Interpreting Relative Risk and Odds Ratios -- Determining Cause in Epidemiological Studies -- Summary of Objectives -- References -- Chapter 7 Understanding the Research Process -- Steps in the Research Process -- Selecting the Question -- Types of Research Questions -- Descriptive Questions -- Relationship Questions -- Difference Questions -- Defining the Problem -- Purpose of the Study -- Delimitations -- Limitations -- Assumptions -- The Concept of Variables -- Quantitative and Qualitative Variables -- Independent and Dependent Variables -- Extraneous Variables -- Moderator and Mediator Variables -- Control of Variables -- Summary of Objectives -- References -- Chapter 8 Reviewing the Literature.. - Summary of Objectives.. - The Importance of Reviewing the Literature -- Sources of Literature -- Periodicals -- Searching the Literature -- Conducting a Database Search -- Searching the Internet -- Reading and Documenting the Research Literature -- Summary of Objectives -- References -- Chapter 9 Reading, Evaluating, and Summarizing Research Reports -- Preliminary Information -- Introduction -- Methods -- Research Participants -- Instrumentation -- Procedures -- Results -- Discussion -- References and Appendix -- Critiquing a Research Article -- Criteria -- Evaluating the Research Report -- Summarizing Research Reports -- Meta-Analysis -- Procedures in Meta-Analysis -- Computer Programs for Meta-Analysis -- Meta-Analysis in Kinesiology -- Meta-Analysis Examples in Kinesiology -- Criticisms of Meta-Analysis -- Summary of Objectives -- References -- Chapter 10 Developing the Research Plan and Grant Application -- Developing the Research Plan -- Selecting the Research Approach -- Research Questions and Hypothesis -- Definitions for Assessment and Attributes of Data -- Data-Collecting Methods and Techniques -- Observation -- Measurement Techniques -- Questioning Techniques -- Getting Honest Answers -- Selecting the Appropriate Method and Instrument -- Data-Collecting Instruments -- Selecting the Research Instrument -- Revising the Instrument -- Transforming a Research Plan into a Basic Grant Application -- Identifying Funding Sources -- Components of a Grant Proposal -- After Grant Submission -- Summary of Objectives -- References -- Chapter 11 Ethical Concerns in Research -- The Basis of Ethics in Research -- Nazi German Experimentation During World War II -- Tuskegee Syphilis Study -- Defining Ethics -- International Regulations to Protect Human Research Participants -- Protecting Human Research Participants -- Institutional Review Boards -- Research Involving Animals.

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