Accidental trouble magnet

Zanib Mian · illustrated by Nasaya Mafaridik
Bok Engelsk 2019 · Children's stories.
Annen tittel
Mafaridik, Nasaya (illustratør)
London : Hodder , 2019
211 sider : illustrasjoner
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Også utgitt med tittel: Muslims. - Welcome, readers, to the imaginative brain of Omar! You might not know me yet, but once you open the pages of this book you'll laugh so hard that snot will come out of your nose (plus you might meet a dragon and a zombie - what more could you want?). My parents decided it would be a good idea to move house AND move me to a new school at the same time. As if I didn't have a hard enough time staying out of trouble at home, now I've also got to try and make new friends. What's worse, the class bully seems to think I'm the perfect target and has made it his mission to send me back to Pakistan. But I've never even been to Pakistan! And my cousin told me the pizza there is YUCK. The only good thing is that Eid's just around the corner which means a feast of all my favourite food (YAY) and presents (DOUBLE YAY). I'm really hoping I can stay in Mum and Dad's good books long enough to get loads .... - Alder: 6-11 år. - God, leselig skrift
Geografisk emneord
u ENG Mia/1 . - 823.92 . - 154.3 . - 297.092 . - 306.87 . - 371
978-1-4449-5122-6(heftet) : Nkr 98.00

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Accidental trouble magnet
Zanib Mian ; illustrated by Nasaya Mafari...

Bok · Engelsk · 2020

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