"What do you care what other people think?" : further adventures of a curious character
Richard P. Feynman Richard P. Feynman as told to Ralph Leighton
Bok Engelsk 2007
Medvirkende | Leighton, Ralph (medarbeider)
Utgitt | Londong : Penguin , 2007
Omfang | 255 s.
Utgave | Først utgitt: 1988
Opplysninger | Richard P. Feynman - vinnar av Nobelprisen i fysikk 1965.. - A thoughtful companion volume to the earlier Surely You Are Joking Mr. Feynman!. Perhaps the most intriguing parts of the book are the behind-the-scenes descriptions of science and policy colliding in the presidential commission to determine the cause of the Challenger space shuttle explosion; and the scientific sleuthing behind his famously elegant O-ring-in-ice-water demonstration. Not as rollicking as his other memoirs, but in some ways more profound.
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ISBN | 978-0-141-03088-3(h)
"What do YOU care what other people think?" : further adventures of a curious character
Richard P. Feynman, as told to Ralph Leig...
Bok · Engelsk · 1988
Richard P. Feynman, as told to Ralph Leig...
Bok · Engelsk · 1988
"What do YOU care what other people think?" : further adventures of a curious character
Richard P Feynman
Bok · Engelsk · 1992
Richard P Feynman
Bok · Engelsk · 1992
What do YOU care what other people think? : further adventures of a curious character
Richard P. Feynman ; as told to Ralph Lei...
Bok · Engelsk · 2001
Richard P. Feynman ; as told to Ralph Lei...
Bok · Engelsk · 2001