The diary of a young girl

Anne Frank ; edited by Otto H. Frank and Mirjam Pressler ; translated by Susan Massotty
Punktskrift Engelsk 2019

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Annen tittel
Frank, Otto H. (redaktør)
Masotty, Susan (oversetter)
Pressler, Mirjam (redaktør)
Oslo : Norsk lyd- og blindeskriftbibliotek , 2019
hefte ( s.)
Passer for
I prod. per aug. 2019. - Originaltittel: Het achterhuis. - Punktskrift. - produksjon. - NLB. - Fra forlagets omtale: In July 1942, thirteen-year-old Anne Frank and her family, fleeing the occupation, went into hiding in an Amsterdam warehouse. Over the next two years Anne vividly describes in her diary the frustrations of living in such close quarters, and her thoughts, feelings and longings as she grows up. Her diary ends abruptly when, in August 1944, they were all betrayed.

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Anne Frank ; edited by Otto H. Frank and ...

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