Obrabotki proizvedenij raznykh avtorov : dlja golosa, skripki i violonceli : b/n soch. (1941) = Arrangements of works by different composers : for soloist, violin and cello : sans op. (1941)

Dmitri Shostakovich ; edited by Victor Ekimovsky ; editing of music texts and explanatory article by Elvira van Domburg-Okuneva, Larisa Miller, Florentina Panchenko and Tamara Skvirskaya.
Musikknoter Flerspråklig 2018 Dmitrij Šostakovič
Moskva : DSCH Publishers , 2018
1 partitur (180 s.)
Eget tittelblad på engelsk. - Kritiske kommentarer på russisk og engelsk. - Proshchanie = Farewell / Dm. Pokrass ; words by M. Isakovsky. - To ne tuchi - grozovye oblaka : iz kinofil’ma Syny trudovogo naroda = Those are storm clouds : from the film Sons of the working people / Dan. and Dm. Pokrass ; words by A. Surkov. - Pesnia o Shchorse = Song about Shchors / M. Blanter ; words by M. Golodny. - Nas ne trogai : iz kinofil’ma Mit’ka Lelyuk = Do not touch us : from the film Mit'ka Lelyuk / words by V. Lebedev-Kumach. - Pesnia devushki = Girl's song / D. Pritsker ; words by A. Churkin. - Ekh, khorosho! : pionerskaia pesnia iz kinofil’ma Kontsert Betkhovena = Oh, how great! : pioneers' song from the film Beethoven Concerto / I. Dunayevsky ; words by V. Shmidtgof. - Spoi nam, veter... : iz kinofil’ma Deti Kapitana Granta = Sing to us, wind... : from the film The children of Captain Grant / I. Dunayevsky ; words by V. Lebedev-Kumach. - Morskaia pesnia = Song of the sea / I. Dunayevsky ; words by P. Belov. - Pesnia Aniuty : iz kinofil’ma Vesëlye rebiata = Anyuta's song : from the film The merry fellows / I. Dunayevsky ; words by V. Lebedev-Kumach. - Mama, chto takoye liubov’? = Mummy, what is love? / J.-B. Weckerlin ; Russian text by Yu. Rimskaya-Korsakova. - Shotlandskaia zastol’naia pesnia = Scottish drinking song / L. van Beethoven ; Russian text by A. Globa. - Al’piiskaia pastushka : Tirol’skaia pesnia = The Alpine shepherdess : Tyrolean song / G. Rossini ; Russian text by M. Ulitsky. - Khabanera : iz opery "Karmen" = Habanera : from the opera Carmen / G. Bizet ; Russian text by A. Gorchakova. - Serenada Arlekina : iz opery Paiatsy = Arlecchino's serenade : from the opera Pagliacci / R. Leoncavallo ; Russian text by I. Pryanishnikov. - TSyganskaia pesnia = Gypsy song / A. Verstovsky ; words by A. Pushkin. - Sarafanchik = Sarafanchik (The little sun-dress) / A. Gurilev ; words by A. Polezhayev. - Pravo, mamen’ke skazhu = I shall tell Mama / A. Gurilev ; words by N. Berg. - Likhoradushka = Fever / A. Dargomyzhsky ; Traditional verses. - Odelas’ tumanom Grenada = Grenada clothed in mist / music and words by A. Dargomyzhsky. - Kak u nas na ulitse : pesnia Ol’gi iz opery Rusalka = On our street : Olga's song from the opera Rusalka (The mermaid) / A. Dargomyzhsky. - Komicheskaia pesnia : iz neokonchennoi opery Rogdana = Comic song : from the unfinished opera Rogdana / A. Dargomyzhsky. - Gopak = Gopak / M. Musorgsky ; words by T. Shevchenko, translated into Russian by L. Mey. - Pesnia Khivri : iz opery Sorochinskaia iarmarka = Khivrya's song : from the opera Sorochintsy Fair / M. Musorgsky. - Dumka Parasi : iz opery Sorochinskaia iarmarka = Parasya's dumka : from the opera Sorochintsy Fair / M. Musorgsky. - Pesnia Variazhskogo gostia : iz opery Sadko = Song of the Varangian guest : from the opera Sadko / N. Rimsky-Korsakov. - IA na kamushke sizhu = I sit on a rock / M. Ippolitov-Ivanov ; Traditional verses. - Vidkilia tse ty uziavsia : duet Karasa i Odarki iz opery Zaporozhets za Dunaem = Where did you come from? : duet of Karas' and Odarka from the opera A Cossack beyond the Danube / S. Gulak-Artemovsky.

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