The scent of death

Simon Beckett
Bok Engelsk 2019 · Krim
London : Bantam Press , 2019
359 sider
Once a busy hospital, St Jude's now stands derelict, awaiting demolition. When a partially mummified corpse is found in the building's cavernous loft, forensics expert Dr David Hunter is called in to take a look. He can't say how long the body's been there, but he is certain it's that of a young woman. And that she was pregnant. Then part of the attic floor collapses, revealing another of the hospital's secrets: a bricked-up chamber with beds inside. And some of them are still occupied. For Hunter, what began as a straightforward case is about to become a twisted nightmare. And it soon becomes clear that St Jude's hasn't claimed its last victim . . .
Krim . - Roman . - Romaner
Geografisk emneord
978-05-93063-49-1(innbundet) : 266,00

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