Atlantis (II)

Wayne Shorter
Vinylplate Engelsk 1985
CBS , 1985
1 LP + innerpose
Innspilt i Hollywood 1985.. - Utgivernummer: 26669. - The three Marias. - The last silk hat. - Who goes there! - Atlantis. - Shere Khan, the tiger. - Criancas. - On the eve of departure. (Alle av W.Shorter). - When you dream. (W.Shorter/tekst:E.Lee).. - Acuña, Alex, slagverk. - Acuña, Diana, sang. - Bellson, Dee Dee, sang. - Brunel, Nani, sang. - Davenport, Troye, sang. - Gershovsky, Yaron, klaver. - Hill, Michiko, klaver. - Klein, Larry, el-bass. - Lathan, Sanaa, sang. - Lee, Edgy, sang. - Lucien, Kathy, sang. - Shorter, Wayne, sopransax, tenorsax. - Walker, Jim, fløyte, altfløyte, piccolo

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