Investment Banking for Dummies.

Matthew. Krantz
Bok Engelsk 2020 · Electronic books.
Annen tittel
Hoboken N.J. : J. Wiley & Sons
1 online resource (403 pages)
2nd ed.
Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- Introduction -- About This Book -- Foolish Assumptions -- Icons Used in This Book -- Beyond the Book -- Where to Go from Here -- Part 1 Getting Started with Investment Banking -- Chapter 1 Introducing Investment Banking -- What Investment Banking Is -- The role investment banking plays -- How investment banking differs from traditional banking -- The services investment banks provide -- How investment banks are organized -- The current lay of the investment banking land -- Types of investment banking operations -- How investment banks get paid -- How Investment Banking Is Done -- Finding the financial statements -- Understanding the importance of financial statements and ratios -- Zeroing in on past transactions -- Seeing the value of fixed income -- Turning Into an Investment Banking Pro -- Putting the discounted cash flow analysis to work -- Seeing how leverage becomes a force in investment banking -- Pinpointing buyout targets -- Putting Investment Banking to Work -- Staying in compliance with the rules -- Looking beyond the published financial statements -- Making adjustments to financial statements for comparability -- Chapter 2 The Purpose of Investment Banking: What Investment Bankers Do -- Putting the For-Sale Sign on Corporate America -- Mergers and acquisitions -- Leveraged buyouts -- Private business sales -- Initial public offerings -- Helping Investors Decide Whether to Buy or Sell -- The importance of research -- What do the analysts do? -- Digging Into the Role of the Trading Desk -- Why investment banks are into trading -- How investment banks turn pennies into billions -- The type of analysis used in trading operations -- Chapter 3 How Investment Bankers Sell Companies -- Getting Companies Ready for Sale on Public Markets.. - Computing free cash flow -- Forecasting free cash flow -- Calculating the Weighted Average Cost of Capital -- Understanding why the weighted average cost of capital is so important -- Measuring the cost of debt and equity -- Understanding the capital asset pricing model -- Going for Terminal Value -- Knowing the perpetuity growth formula -- Applying the constant growth formula -- Applying the two-stage growth model -- Stress-testing the results -- Valuing a Share of Stock -- Chapter 13 Structuring a Leveraged Buyout -- Seeing How Leveraged Buyouts Are Structured -- The types of financing -- Understanding seniority and maturity -- Building a Leveraged Buyout Model -- Creating a pro forma model -- Deciding on methods of financing -- Seeing how the results work out -- The importance of taxes in a leveraged buyout -- What can go right and what can go wrong -- Chapter 14 Determining the Strength of a Company's Return on Equity -- Understanding the Importance of Return on Equity -- What return on equity shows -- Pros and cons of return on equity versus other profitability measures -- How return on equity can help guide an investment banking deal -- Using a DuPont Analysis -- The three-factor DuPont method -- The five-factor DuPont method -- Interpreting the Results -- Cola wars -- What the numbers mean -- Looking past the numbers for insight -- Telling companies how to react to the numbers -- Part 4 Applying Investment Banking -- Chapter 15 Knowing the Rules -- The History of Regulation of Investment Banking -- The goals of investment banking regulation -- Why the rules of today are the result of days past -- How regulations have shaped the investment banking industry -- The Ins and Outs of Modern Investment Banking Rules -- The types of rules imposed on investment banking -- How investment banking rules changed after the financial crisis.. - Digging into return on capital -- Uncovering company secrets with return on equity -- Calculating a company's growth rate -- Chapter 9 Sizing Up the Industry -- Performing an Industry Analysis -- Understanding why industry analysis is important -- Creating a comparison universe -- Adjusting the industry comparison universe -- Unearthing Company Trends and Common sizing the Financial Statements -- Comparing growth rates -- Comparing leverage -- Comparing various profit margins -- How a Company Stacks Up: Comparing the Key Ratios -- Sizing up valuation -- Comparing total debt-to-equity -- Sizing up companies on their efficiency -- Industry ratios -- Chapter 10 Understanding Stocks and Focusing on Past Transactions -- Introducing Stock -- Characteristics of stock -- Types of stock -- Understanding stock pricing -- Finding Past Transactions -- Tracking the stock market -- Studying private deals -- Looking at pre-IPO marketplaces -- Examining buyouts -- Analyzing Past Transactions -- Knowing what the market will bear -- Knowing when the market is distorted -- Tabulating key ratios for past deals -- Understanding the pitfalls -- Chapter 11 Applying Investment Banking to Fixed Income -- Introducing Bonds -- Identifying the Various Types of Bonds -- Convertible bonds -- Callable bonds -- Puttable bonds -- Floating-rate bonds -- Zero-coupon bonds -- Knowing Their Place: The Position of Bondholders -- Understanding Bond Pricing -- Introducing the concept of present value -- Relating yield to maturity and price -- Playing the spread: How different factors affect bond prices -- Considering bond sensitivity to changes in interest rates -- Tracking the Bond Market -- Debt or Equity: How a Company Chooses -- Part 3 Taking Investment Banking to the Next Level -- Chapter 12 Doing a Discounted Free Cash Flow Analysis -- Gearing Up for Discounted Free Cash Flow.. - How to use EDGAR to pinpoint information -- Getting Data in a Format You Can Work With -- Assembling the tools you need -- Importing financial information into Excel -- Getting in tune with interactive data -- Paying Attention to the Non-Financial Information -- Monitoring news streams for investment banking ideas -- Quickly processing information with aggregators -- Doing research on the key players in a deal -- Chapter 7 Making Sense of Financial Statements -- Income Statements -- Locating the areas of interest to investment bankers -- Tweaking the statement with different assumptions -- Finding investment banking opportunities -- Balance Sheets -- Finding your way around the key parts -- Understanding a company's financial strength -- Locating pitfalls and opportunities -- Statement of Cash Flows -- Seeing why the cash flow statement is so important in deal making -- Understanding the key parts of the document -- Calculating free cash flow -- Proxy Statements -- Learning about the key players in a deal -- Identifying the management team's incentives -- Analyzing management pay packages -- Chapter 8 Perfecting the Financial Ratios for Investment Banking -- Valuation Multiples: Assessing How Much the Company Is Worth -- Investors' favorite valuation tool: P/E ratio -- Going old school with price-to-book -- Putting a price on profitability -- Liquidity Multiples: Checking Companies' Staying Power -- Deciphering debt to equity -- Getting up to speed with the quick ratio -- Interpreting interest coverage -- Profitability Ratios: Seeing How a Company's Bottom Line Measures Up -- Why gross margin isn't so gross after all -- Income from continuing operations: Looking at profit with a keen eye -- Keying into profits with net margin -- Efficiency Ratios: Knowing How Well the Company Is Using Investors' Money -- Finding out about return on assets.. - Meeting the requirements to make an IPO happen -- Writing the prospectus -- Supporting the IPO: Making success last -- Seeing What Sell-Side Analysts Do -- The goals of the sell-side analyst -- What investors look to sell-side analysts for -- Spreading the word: Disseminating sell-side research -- Examining a Sample Research Report -- What to look for in the document -- The main sections of a research report -- Ways to look beyond the "buy" or "sell" -- Chapter 4 How Investment Banking Is Used in Mergers and Acquisitions -- Come Here Often? The Basics of Mergers and Acquisitions -- Kinds of mergers -- Why companies merge instead of simply growing organically -- Firms that make attractive acquisition targets -- How companies identify firms to merge with -- The nature of the merger: Friendly or hostile? -- Tools Used to Analyze the M&amp -- A Deal -- The role of the buy-side M&amp -- A advisor -- The role of the sell-side M&amp -- A advisor -- Why Many M&amp -- A Deals Go Wrong -- Misplaced incentives -- Faulty analysis -- Overstated synergies -- Culture wars -- The winner's curse: Overpaying -- Chapter 5 How Investment Banking Is Used in Leveraged Buyouts -- In This Corner: Introducing the Players -- Investment banks -- Big institutions -- Management -- Stock and bond investors -- Aiming for the Right Targets in a Leveraged Buyout -- Identifying companies that can work in a leveraged buyout -- Appreciating the power of cash flow -- Coming to terms with the return analysis: Internal rate of return -- Finding the Exit -- Setting a target for exit in time -- Considering how the exit will happen -- Part 2 Digging In: Performing Investment Banking -- Chapter 6 Finding the Data: Documents and Reports -- Finding What You Need on the Securities and Exchange Commission's Website -- What types of information you can find -- The key types of documents.. - The Rules on Analysts.
1119658705. - 9781119658702

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