The complete works. Vol. 6, Music for a reformed church.

Thomas Tallis
Musikk på CD Engelsk 2004
Flere språk: Latin
Signum , p2004
1 CD
Utgivernummer: SIGCD022. - Music for a reformed church (Christ rising again from the dead ; Preces (1st set) ; Venite ; Te Deum ; Benedictus ; Responses and collects for Easter matins ; Commandments ; Credo ; Offertory sentence ; Gloria ; Preces (2nd set) ; Wherewithal shall a young man ; O do well unto thy servant ; My soul cleaveth to the dust ; Magnificat ; Nunc dimittis ; Responses and collects for Christmas eve evensong ; O Lord give thy Holy Spirit ; Purge me O Lord ; Verily verily I say unto you ; Remember not O Lord God ; O Lord in thee is all my trust ; Out from the deep ; Tunes for archbishop Parker's psalter (Man blest no doubt ; Let God arise in majesty ; Why fum'th in fight ; O come in one to praise the Lord ; E'en like the hunted hind ; Expend O Lord my plaint ; Why brag'st in malice high ; God grant with grace ; Ordinal)). - Dixon, Alistair, dirigent

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