Permanent damage

Musikk på CD Engelsk 1969
Enigma Retro , 1969, 1989
Utgivernummer: 7.73397-2. - The Eureka Springs garbage lady. - Miss Pamela and Miss Sparky discuss stuffed bras and some of their early gym class experiences. - Who's Jim Sox? - Kansas and the BTO's. - The captain's Fat Theresa shoes. - Wouldn't it be sad if there were no cones? - Do me in once and I'll be sad, do me in twice and I'll know better (circular circulation). - The moche monster review. - TV lives. - Rodney. - I have a paintbrush in my hand to color a triangle. - Miss Christine's first conversation with the Plaster Casters of Chicago. - The original GTO's. - The ghost chained to the past, present, and future (shock treatment). - Love on an eleven year old level. - Miss Pamela's first conversation with the Plaster Casters of Chicago. - I'm in love with the ooo-ooo man.

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