ROOM40 10; Curated and mixed by Lawrence English
Musikk på CD Uten språklig innhold 2010
Medvirkende | Abrahams, Chris
Asher Candlesnuffer Chantler, John Vis mer... Cooper, Mike
Craig, Leighton D.N.E. DJ Olive Davis, Greg Deupree, Taylor English, Lawrence Erik M Fox, Robin Friedl, Reinhold Frost, Ben Grouper Hatakeyama, Chihei Hecker, Tim I8U Irisarri, Rafael Anton Jerman, Jeph Krieger, Ulrich Noriko, Tujiko Pimmon Roux, Sebastien Rösner, Matt Samartzis, Philip Schaefer, Janek Steinbrüchel Tenniscoats Trow, Zane Vorfeld, Michael Webb, James Xiu Xiu |
Utgitt | ROOM40 , 2010
Omfang | 1 CD + bilag
Opplysninger | Surf rise at Ko'olau. (Mike Cooper). - Black Sand Bay. (Chris Abrahams). - Radiance reveal. (Greg Davis). - Coda for John Dankworth. (Janek Schaefer). - White film (live). (Tujiko Noriko/Lawrence English/John Chantler). - Austral vrs electro parts 11. (Erik M). - Toe class 4. (Philip Samartzis). - Kehre. (Reinhold Friedl & Michael Vorfeld). - Follow. (Matt Rösner). - Boson. (I8U). - Live in Brisbane. (Taylor Deupree). - NYC subway. (Jeph Jerman). - Cycle. (D.N.E.). - Initled. (Zane Trow). - More songs (excerpt). (Sebastien Roux). - Roads and laneways. (Leighton Craig). - Honolulu gum music. (Candlesnuffer). - Sashay away. (Xiu Xiu). - Impossible futures. (Robin Fox). - FKPKC002. (Chihei Hatakeyama). - Stockholm organ. (John Chantler). - Circling. (Asher). - A-D (excerpt). (Grouper). - Limited e country. (Pimmon). - Same. (Steinbrüchel). - Autohagiography (extract). (James Webb). - Apondalifa (excerpt). (Tim Hecker). - Cephei. (Ulrich Krieger). - Triage (redux). (DJ Olive). - Feeding. (Ben Frost). - Path. (Rafael Anton Irisarri). - Tasmania; For a day. (Tenniscoats).