The Birth of a nation

· D.W. Griffith, director ; Robert Lang, editor
Bok Engelsk 1994 · Historisk
Annen tittel
Gish, Lillian (skuesp)
Griffith, D. W. (Regissør)
Lewis, Ralph (skuesp)
Marsh, Mae (skuesp)
Walthall, Henry B (skuesp)
New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press , c1994
310 s. : ill.
Passer for
Bygger på Thomas Dixons romaner The clansman og The leopard''s spot.. - EKA 40021. - Ekstramateriale: The making of ... (24 min). - Kodet for region 2. - Norsk tittel: En nasjons fødsel.. - Produksjon: USA : Epoch, 1915. - Rolleliste: Lillian Gish, Henry B. Walthall, Mae Marsh, Miriam Cooper. - More than 75 years after its initial release, "the birth of a nation" remains one of the most controversial films ever made... a landmark achievement in film history that continues to fascinate and enrage audiences. It is the epic story about two families, one northern and one southern, during and after the Civil War. D.W. Griffiths masterful direction combines brilliant battle scenes and tender romance with a vicious portrayal of African Americans. It was the greatest feature-length blockbuster yet to be produced in the United States and the first to be shown in the White House.
420 . - 791.4309 . - 973 . - 791.43023092 . - 791.4372 . - 973.7
0813520266. - 0813520274. - 9780813520261. - 9780813520278

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