Individuals and materials in the Greco-Roman cults of Isis : agents, images, and practices /

edited by Valentino Gasparini, Richard Veymiers.
Bok Engelsk 2018 Colloque international sur les études isiaques
Flere språk: Fransk
Proceedings of the VIth International Conference of Isis Studies (Erfurt, May 6-8, 2013 - Liege, September 23-24, 2013).. - Theorising religion for the individual / Jorg Rupke -- Identites religieuses isiaques : pour la definition d'une categorie historico-religieuse / Giulia Sfameni Gasparro -- What is a priest of Ese, of Wusa, and of Isis in the Egyptian and Nubian world / Joachim Friedrich Quack -- What is an Isiac priest in the Greek world? / Paraskevi Martzavou -- Les pretres isiaques du monde romain / Laurent Bricault -- Isis names in Graeco-Roman Egypt / Willy Clarysse -- Social agentivity in the eastern Mediterranean cult of Isis / Jaime Alvar -- Isiastai Sarapiastai. Isiac cult associations in the eastern Mediterranean / Ilias Arnaoutoglou -- L'apparence des isiaques : la realite des stereotypes litteraires / Ludivine Beaurin -- La figure de Pharaon dans la Mensa isiaca et ses avatars italiens. Du temple pharaonique au temple isiaque / Marie-Christine Budischovsky -- Du blanc, du noir et de la bigarrure : le jeu des couleurs dans les representations d'isiaques / Adeline Grand-Clement-- Ministers of Isiac cults in Roman wall painting / Eric M. Moormann -- De "Scipion l'Africain" aux "pretres isiaques" : a propos des portraits au crane rase avec cicatrice(s) / Francois Queyrel & Richard Veymiers -- Mourir en isiaque : Reflexions sur les portraits de momie de l'Egypte romaine / Gaelle Tallet -- The garments of the devotees of Isis / Sabine Albersmeier -- Les devotes isiaques et les atours de leur deesse / Michel Malaise & Richard Veymiers -- Roman children and the "horus lock" between cult and image / Annika Backe-Dahmen -- Des empereurs aux traits isiaques : Images et contextes / Emmanuelle Rosso -- Archeologie des Isea : sur la difficile reconnaissance des pratiques isiaques / William Van Andringa -- Material evidence and the Isiac cults. Art and experience in the sanctuary / Molly Swetnam-Burland -- Les preposes au luminaire dans les cultes isiaques / Jean-Louis Podvin -- Pelerinages isiaques / Francoise Dunand-- Dreams and other divine communications from the Isiac gods in the Greek and Latin epigraphical record / Gil H. Renberg -- Comments on the Egyptian background of the priests' procession during the Navigium Isidis / Stefan Pfeiffer -- Jouer, chanter et danser pour Isis / Laurent Bricault & Richard Veymiers -- Les acteurs sur scene. Theatres et theatralisation dans les cultes isiaques / Valentino Gasparini.. - "In Individuals and Materials in the Greco-Roman Cults of Isis Valentino Gasparini and Richard Veymiers present a collection of reflections on the individuals and groups which animated one of Antiquity's most dynamic, significant and popular religious phenomena: the diffusion and reception of the cults of Isis and other Egyptian gods throughout the Hellenistic and Roman worlds. These communities, whose members seem to share the same religious identity, for a long time have been studied in a monolithic way through the prism of the Cumontian category of the "Oriental religions". The 26 contributions of this book, divided into three sections devoted to the "agents", their "images" and their "practices", shed new light on this religious movement that appears much more heterogeneous and colorful than previously recognized"--
Geografisk emneord
9789004377837 (hardback ;. - 9789004382596 (hardback ;. - 9789004382602 (hardback ;
9789004381346 (e-book)

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