Opuscula in quibus de vesicantium sinapismorum, cucurbitularum siccarum, ligaturae dolorificae frictionum lotionumque crurum, ac pedum recta administratione. Ac de asthmate et orthopnoea, pleuritidi legitimae lethali supervenienti, admista, recte curanda

Bok Flerspråklig
Flere språk: Engelsk, Norrøn
Annen tittel
Apud Marcum Antonium Brogiollum
257 s. : ill.
A fragment of Norwegian Royal charters from ca. 1205: a diplomatic edition and analysis / Gottskálk Jensson, Alex Speed Kjeldsen & Beeke Stegman. Beregninger over AM 580 4to og Holm perg 7 4to / Povl Skårup. A translation and its continuation: the use of the present participle in Elíss saga ok Rósamundar / Ingvil Brügger Budal. Reassessing Agnesar saga: the evidence of AM 238 11 fol / Maria Teresa Ramandi. An unedited sermon from the eve of the Icelandic Reformation / Stephen Pelle. Saxo in Iceland again: Vermundar þáttur og Upsa / Philip Lavender. An edition of Ambrósius saga og Rósamunda based on BLAdd 24 969 / Sheryl McDonald Werronen & Katarzyna Anna Kapitan. Dating of AM 162 B α fol, a fragment of Brennu-Njáls saga / Katarzyna Anna Kapitan
Geografisk emneord
Norden : (NO-TrBIB)HUME03680

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