The travel book : a journey through every country in the world
Bok Engelsk 2004 · Reisehåndbøker
Medvirkende | Bain, Carolyn (medarbeider)
Utgitt | Lonely Planet , 2004
Omfang | 444 s. : Illustrert
Utgave | 1. utg., 1. oppl.
Opplysninger | Forord av Roz Hopkins. - The world is a breathtakingly big place, and in this big book we have undertaken the big task of detailing as much of it as we can: every single country, many of the larger dependencies and other, smaller destinations. With the traveller's experience at heart, this book shows a slice of life in every corner of the globe, and all points in between, engaging the reader's senses in an adventure which conjures up the sights, smells, tastes, sounds and fell for our amazing world.
Emner | |
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Geografisk emneord | |
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ISBN | 17-410-4451-0(ib) : 499.00. - 978-17-410-4451-5(ib) : 499.00
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