Hangman blind

Cassandra Clark
Bok Engelsk 2008 · Historisk
London : John Murray , 2008
311 s.
Engelsk tekst. - November, 1382. The month of the dead. A nun rides out for York and the Abbey of Meaux. It wil be no ordinary journey. An uneasy peace reigns in teh savage aftermath of the peasants' revolt. As Hildegard travels alone through the countryside, with only her two hounds for protection, she comes across a gibbet with five bloodies, crow-stripped corpses, and in the next clearing the body of a young man, brutally butchered. Who is he? And what is his connetion with the hanged men? But murder will touch Hildegard even more closely. Her childhood home, Castle Hutton, is riven by treachery. Hildegard will need all her skills and bravey to counter the dark forces at work in the land.
Geografisk emneord
978-1-84854-020-0(h.) : Nkr. 94.00

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Hangman blind
Cassandra Clark

Tale på CD · Engelsk · 2010

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