Theory and practice of the European Convention on Human Rights

edited by Pieter van Dijk, Fried van Hoof, Arjen van Rijn, Leo Zwaak.
Bok Engelsk 2018 P. van Dijk
Intersentia , 2018
xvii, 1230 pages ;
Fifth edition.
General survey of the Convention -- Procedure before the Court -- Supervision -- System of restrictions -- Relationship between the Convention and the EU -- Right to life -- Prohibition of torture and other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment -- Prohibition of slavery and forced labour -- Right to liberty and security -- Right to a fair trial -- No punishment without law -- Right to respect for private and family life -- Freedom of thought, conscience and religion -- Freedom of expression -- Freedom of assembly and association -- Right to marry -- Protection of property -- Right to education -- Right to free elections -- Prohibition of imprisonment for debt -- Freedom of movement -- Prohibition of expulsion of nationals -- Prohibition of collective expulsion of aliens -- Abolition of the death penalty -- Procedural safeguards relating to expulsion of aliens -- Right to appeal in criminal matters -- Compensation for wrongful conviction -- Right not to be tried or punished twice -- Equality between spouses -- Prohibition of discrimination -- Abolition of the death penalty in time of war -- Right to an effective remedy -- Derogation in time of emergency -- Restrictions on political activity of aliens -- Prohibition of the abuse of rights -- Prohibition of the misuse of power -- Reservations.

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